
Don’t Be a D*ck to Beartooth’s Caleb Shomo’s Wife or You’ll Get Publicly Called Out


It’s a general rule of thumb, but when you’re out at a show — hell, when you’re out in public at all — just don’t be a dick. It’s real simple to do, but apparently someone at Beartooth‘s recent show at the O2 Academy in Birmingham, UK didn’t get the memo because the band’s frontman Caleb Shomo had to take time out of the show to put them in their place. Their crime? Being a dickhead to Shomo’s wife.

Details as to what went down are a little murky at the moments, but video surfaced of the incident, in which Shomo apparently witnessed this person saying something mean or fucked up to his wife. The show came to a halt as a result, as the guy with the mic naturally got to say his peace.

“I put on a show for these people who paid good money, just like yourself, but you do not talk to anybody like that. I don’t care who it is, especially not my fucking wife, so why the…”

As venue security came in to deal with the problem, Shomo apparently tried to get the crowd to simmer down by encouraging them to “quiet down” and letting professionals do their job.

“Alright, anyway… Jesus! I don’t think anybody in the world needs to be talked to like that, but he messed with the wrong fucking person tonight.”

Later on, Shomo posted to his Instagram, offering some loving words to his wife following the incident.

“You deserve nothing but love respect appreciation and empowerment every day of your life as that’s the energy you give to anyone fortunate enough to cross your path myself included. I love you so much sweetheart”

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