
Black Oak County Unveil Their Latest Single “Camouflage”


One week out from the release of their third album, aptly titled III, Danish band Black Oak County have dropped their final single and video for the track “Camouflage.” Featuring a groovy (and definitely radio friendly) sound, the track has the kind of hook and structure that would have fucking killed back in the early 2000s.

Still, this groove-laden single might be worth checking out if that sort of sound is your jam. We’re talking catchy choruses, one clean vocalist and one screamer, the whole nine. That latter part is relatively new, as the band now has their bassist René Kristensen contributing on vocals alongside singer/guitarist Niels Beier. Kristensen said the idea to have two singers came about when they realized they more than one person was able to carry a tune.

“We realized we had two great singers and hadn’t utilized it before. We took advantage of that on ‘Back For Blood’, but have worked out the songs for the album with this in mind. There’s a lot of back-and-forth between us on this album, swapping verses and choruses, doing harmonies for each other’s parts, etc., and we sound better than ever on this album!”

As for “Camouflage” itself, the band explains that it’s about those everyday insecurities that many of us feel.

“‘Camouflage’ is one of the more personal songs of the album. It’s a song about having to mask your emotions or personality in order to fit in; in social gatherings, at work, etc. It’s about insecurities, being uncomfortable in your own skin, and being afraid that you won’t be accepted as you are – because why should people accept, when you have a hard time accepting yourself?”

III will be available on October 25, but you can preorder your copy today.

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