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Zach Jordan of Silent Drive Apologizes for Transphobic Remarks


Yesterday, we reported on an incident where Zach Jordan of Bane and Silent Drive made a highly offensive joke during his Silent Drive set at this past weekend’s Furnace Fest. Well, it seems that Jordan wants to make amends, as he did apologize for his comments in the comments section of our Facebook post about the article. I have to admit, I didn’t exactly see that coming.

An account, which does seem to be the genuine Facebook account of Zach Jordan as far as I can tell, left us a comment on our article post on Facebook saying:

“Hi, This is Zach from Silent Drive.

“I did say a very fucked up insensitive joke Saturday while on stage in between songs. Used language that I have not done enough work to fully educate myself on how hurtful these words can actually be. The worst part is realizing now that I have offended and disappointed people who I feel protective off. I have nothing but love and respect in my heart for anyone who is fighting a battle to live a life of their own making and that allows them to feel calm and safe and seen. The thought that some awful thing I said on stage could even suggest the opposite is simply devastating to me.

“Everybody that is mad at me has every right to be and please feel free to reach out. I will work so hard on myself from this day forward.”

While I think that Jordan’s joke was highly inappropriate, and there’s absolutely no context in which using a slur like that on stage is acceptable, I also believe that an important part of holding people accountable for their actions is accepting genuine apologies. It’s refreshing to see someone learning from their mistakes instead of just doubling down on being a jackass.

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