Enlarge David Gilmour, via IMDb

Pink Floyd Sell Their Likeness and Catalog for $400 Million


For all the chismosos out there, we’ve got a new installment of former bandmates “who can’t fucking stand each other and the decisions that come from said hatred.” After years in the making—because David Gilmour and Roger Waters simply could not get their shit together—Pink Floyd has finally sold the recorded rights (not the songwriting ones) to Sony for $400 million.

Even though neither Pink Floyd nor Sony have confirmed or commented on the deal yet, it has been confirmed by Daily Music News and Financial Times. Because of the agreement, we’re sure to hear Pink Floyd songs in commercials, video games, and everything else that can be soundtracked by stony, damn near acidy rock.

Gilmour has been dying for this to happen for years, saying:

“To be rid of the decision-making and the arguments that are involved with keeping it going is my dream. If things were different … and I am not interested in that from a financial standpoint. I’m only interested in it from getting out of the mud bath that it has been for quite a while.”

Nick Mason, the only other living member of the band, has yet to comment either. One thing’s for sure—Gilmour and Rogers are certainly glad that all of this is probably over by now, considering how much they fucking hate each other. It’s been going on for decades but has been getting worse and worse throughout the recent years considering their very different sociopolitical views.

When asked the obvious question of whether Gilmour would ever consider sharing the stage with Waters again, he gave a very matter-of-fact “absolutely not” as a response, adding to it:

“I tend to steer clear of people who actively support genocidal and autocratic dictators like Putin and Maduro [president of Venezuela]. Nothing would make me share a stage with someone who thinks such treatment of women and the LGBT community is OK.”

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