
Shell Shock II Hilariously Booked a Slipknot Cover Band to Headline After Bands Dropped Off



I mean… haha… the headline pretty much speaks for itself. After booking murderer and alt-right grifter douchebag Kyle Rittenhouse to a music festival aimed at benefiting veterans dealing with PTSD, organizers of the upcoming Shell Shock II festival were forced to replace headliner Evergreen Terrace with — get this — a fucking Slipknot cover band. Haaaaa!

As it stands, (sic) will be taking over the main stage and closing out the festivities. So I hope all those hardcore fans that still have tickets are excited to see nine dudes pretending to be Slipknot because the event’s organizers wanted to be edgelords and turn the show into a political event.

If you haven’t been following the drama, here’s what you need to know to get up to speed. Organizers of the Shell Shock II festival booked a buncha hardcore bands to raise awareness and funding to help veterans struggling PTSD. It was a noble cause and as a result, drew bands like Evergreen Terrace, Southpaw, Let Me Bleed, and American Hollow. Everything was going well until people learned that the aforementioned grifter murderous fuckface Rittenhouse was also going to be there as a special VIP guest.

Naturally, that caused people to get upset since the guy literally drove to another state to insert himself into a situation where he would be able to shoot people “in self defense” during the police brutality protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin back in 2020.

As more people caught wind of that prick’s involvement, the aforementioned bands dropped off the bill one by one, each posting a lengthy statement as to why they were walking away. Generally, the bands said they were discouraged since they wanted to support veterans battling PTSD, but got bait-and-switched as the show became heavily politicized.

Of course that caused the event’s promoters, The Antihero Podcast, to complain that they were the target of an attack from the woke mob or some bullshit, instead of dealing with the repercussions of their decision to bring a highly controversial and political figure to the event. Sure, it’s their right to do so, but it’s also the bands’ right to leave if they don’t want to be associated with that dude or a political event in general.

Organizers really should have seen that sort of backlash coming from a mile away. But what I think we can all agree on is that no one saw a fucking cover band becoming the festival’s headliners. That shit is too fucking funny.

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