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Black Map Sign with Spinefarm, New Single “Disintegrate” Streaming Now


For the first time in over two years, Black Map‘s got some new music for your earholes. And while that should be exciting enough for fans of the trio’s amalgamation of post-hardcore, alternative, and hard rock, they also revealed that they now call legendary record company Spinefarm their new home.

Released yesterday, “Disintegrate” is the kind of hard-driving tune you might see yourself listening to while speeding down the road in a red convertible. Or maybe that’s just me? Either way, Black Map’s got a nice, fat sound in this one.

According to the band, they chose this song as their newest single because of how quickly it jumps right out of the gate. The idea, one could imagine, was to reignite the flames that might have gone cold over the last couple years.

“Our vision for the song was for it to be super immediate and just slam from the first hit. It made sense for us as our first release in a couple of years to just have something that really hits from second one.

“It’s a song about persevering through whatever is holding you back. Not running away from it; facing it head on.”

For those that don’t know, Black Map was started 10 years ago in 2014 by members of Dredg, Far, and The Trophy Fire. The current lineup consists of vocalist and bassist Ben Flanagan (The Trophy Fire), guitarist Mark Engles (Dredg), and drummer Chris Robyn (Far).

Though there’s no word at the moment regarding their next studio album and follow up to 2022’s Melodoria, that’s certain to come down the pike as they seek to put something out with their new record label. In the meantime, the band have two festival appearances planned before the end of the year: Louder Than Life on September 29 and Aftershock on October 11.

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