
Kylesa’s First North American Date Set for Prepare The Ground Festival 2025


Just a couple weeks ago, we learned that Kylesa was not only back from their more than eight year hiatus, but that they’d already lined up a live gig ahead of their announcement. It was enough to make fans of their particular brand of proggy, psychedelic sludge metal to get absolutely stoked about the news.

Unfortunately, the only date we American fans learned of at the time was their planned appearnace at next year’s Roadburn in the Netherlands. Plane tickets are expensive as fuck, so many reserved themselves to waiting for a closer opportunity to catch the band live.

Well, good things come to those who wait apparently, as organizers behind the annual Prepare The Ground festival revealed that Kylesa will be joining YOB at next year’s festivities. The latter band will be playing two sets, including a show that will feature a playthrough of 2011’s Atma.

For the uninitiated, Prepare The Ground will be taking place from May 30 to June 1, 2025 and will be hosted within four venues throughout Toronto, Ontario. During the fest, bands will play at Trinity St. Pauls, Lee’s Palace, 918 Bathurst, and The Cave.

Kylesa went on indefinite hiatus back in 2016, effectively ending a 15-year run as one of the more beloved acts in their niche. At the time, they said it was “time for a break” after so many years of “nonstop touring and writing.” They warned fans that they had “no plans to play any shows or work on any new material.” Yet only a few months ago, the band revealed that they’d signed with Mythos Management for “some uniquely cool projects for the future and on ways to preserve our past.”

One sure fire way to preserve one’s past is to never truly go away, so yeah — they’re back and ready to play live shows.

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