
Cedric Bixler-Zavala and Chrissie Carnell-Bixler are Unsatisfied with Linkin Park Singer’s Apology


If you’re a metal fan who doesn’t want to read about Linkin Park, this is a bad week for you. If you’re a metal writer who doesn’t feel like writing about Linkin Park because you’ve just honestly never been a fan, this is also a bad week for you, because that’s all that anyone wants to talk about. And if you’re Linkin Park, this also might be a bad week for you, because this rollout doesn’t seem to have gone anything like they planned.

In the past few days since Linkin Park announced Dead Sara vocalist Emily Armstrong as their new vocalist, a lot has come out over her involvement in the Church of Scientology and her support of convicted rapist Danny Masterson, with much of it coming from former Scientologists Cedric Bixler-Zavala of At the Drive-In/The Mars Volta and his wife Chrissie Carnell-Bixler, who was one of many women to accuse Masterson of sexual assault.

Since the initial call out, Armstrong apologized for supporting Masterson in court saying that she went to one court appearance and supported him as an observer and later realized that was a mistake. And if Armstrong thought that would be the end of the entire thing, then boy was she sorely mistaken because the Bixlers weren’t done yet.

In response to Armstrong’s apology, Bixler-Zavala and Carnell-Bixler issued additional statements on social media accusing Armstrong of a disingenuous and factually incorrect apology. The statements both appeared on Bixler-Zavala’s Instagram, with the statement from Carnell-Bixler reading as follows:

“Dear Emily, If you’re not going to speak out against the human and child trafficking cult in which you are apart of and in which you enable by remaining silent on the crimes you know about then you have no right to fill the shoes of Chester Bennington, a true advocate. I don’t give a fuck that you are very close to the serial rapist. I don’t give a fuck that you lied in your “apology” instagram story. I do care that you participated, after being asked, in the cruel intimidation of Jane Doe 1 with your cult pals at court. I do care that you didn’t once mention that you are a member of a child and human trafficking cult that covers up the abuses and rapes of CHILDREN and adults. I do care that your parents work for OSA (the office of special affairs) of the cult of Scientology which have been ordering attacks on me and my family which includes murdering my dogs in the most inhumane and evil ways. I do care that they have been attacking and harassing my fellow sister survivors. You don’t speak out against Scientology not because you’re terrified of them. You don’t speak out because you are one of them. Shame on Linkin Park. Fuck you.”

Then Bixler-Zavala added his own two-cents, saying:

“Emily, did you know that your friend Chris Wadhams and Danny would drive by one of the Jane Does very slowly, after a fucked up day of cross examinations, and follow her in their car, staring at her trying to intimidate her? I do. Did you know that Alana Masterson would hide in the bathrooms after one of the Jane does had a massive panic attack on the stand and proceeded to harass her in the bathroom calling her a liar? What, you didn’t hear about that? Did your parents shield you from that? Your OSA parents. Or were you cool with that? Doesn’t your church call that the fair game policy? Weren’t you just hanging out with Nasal Queef herself, (Bijoux Phillips) just a couple of days ago? Oh wait, she’s ok now because she divorced Danny? She sure had a grand ol’ time reading my wife’s police report in a mocking post. Remember how she screamed when they took Danny away? I bath in that moment every single fucking day. Careful homegirl, that Phillips curse is contagious, just read Mackenzie Phillips book. You should also read up on that fucking dingbat bijoux’s past behavior. That is of course if the church allows you to read about her. They do have a policy about reading anything critical of the church and its members. Your church also has a bad snitching culture where u write knowledge reports on fellow members who are not “following” the teachings of L Ron Hubbard. Just like the East German stassi imposed on its citizens. Thats your church?

“Today is the one year anniversary of having put that shit bag you thought was a ‘good guy’ in jail. You can’t even say sorry to the Jane Does properly, huh? Your apology is worded as if you hired some PR crisis team to help you. As for you [Linkin Park] …. You should fire your entire team for not thoroughly vetting your choice. You’re a Disney level brand trying to make a comeback and you didn’t think to spend a little money on looking into her? Stop playing [At the Drive-In]’s music on your pre-show playlist.”

Now, however bad you think the Church of Scientology is, they’re probably even worse than that. The Church of Scientology are like some sort of comic-book supervillain organization like HYDRA. The list of things they’re guilty of is so long and bizarre you’ll think that some of the real stuff is made up. Just look up “Operation Freakout” in which they tried to get one of the church’s critics locked up or institutionalized by sending out bomb threats in her name on her own stationary. Operation Freakout wasn’t even the worst thing the church is guilty of, it’s just the most surreal and bizarre thing they pulled off in the 1970s, and somehow they’re still a thing to this day.

As Bixler-Zavala said in response to his own post:

“Just watch. You’ll have scientology ministers in plain clothes handing out ‘the way to happiness’ pamphlets to their audience at shows.”

Yeah, I could see that happening.

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