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Ripped to Shreds, Opeth, and Linkin Park Added to the MetalSucks Playlist


Summer’s unofficially over, kids (or you if you’re young) are back to school, and the weather’s going to be getting chillier and darker very soon. Perfect for us metalheads that look forward to hoodies, falling leaves, and whatever beverages get us through the darker months.

It’s also a great time to sit back in the comfort of our warm homes and listen to some killer new metal music. As such, we’ve updated our weekly playlist to reflect the new hotness that’s been hitting the scene. Tracks from Opeth, Linkin Park, Fit for an Autopsy, and more have been added to the 50-track list we maintain, so be sure to check it out down below.

As always, we’ve updated the playlist on both Spotify and Apple Music, so feel free to hit play below or search for MetalSucks in the app to find the new list. And while you’re at it, feel free to subscribe to our podcast and other playlists if you choose.

All we ask in return is that you remember to also follow/like/subscribe/whatever the playlists so you never miss the new tracks added each week.

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