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Ronnie Atkins of Pretty Maids Celebrates Five Years of Surviving Lung Cancer


Cancer is a little bitch that fights dirty, and most of the time, when we have to write a story about cancer, it’s a sad one. Today, though, we can talk about a triumph over that little bitch. Today, vocalist Ronnie Atkins of long-running Danish metal band Pretty Maids celebrates five years of surviving his cancer diagnosis.

According to Blabbermouth, Atkins was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2019, undergoing at least 33 radiation treatments and four chemotherapy treatments that year before being cleared as cancer-free. In 2020 his cancer returned and it was in stage four. For the record, stage four lung cancer doesn’t have a great prognosis. According to Healthline, in stage four, the cancer has spread beyond the lung to other, distant organs of the body. Depending on whether or not it’s small cell lung cancer, the five-year survival rate for stage four lung cancer is between 3% and 9%.

In an Instagram post this morning, Atkins celebrated his continued survival since his diagnosis:

“On this very day it’s been 5 years ago since I was diagnosed with cancer.

“But as it happened, In those 5 years I managed to write and record a lot of music. I got back on stage and toured around the world in different constellations and counting.

“I had a beautiful grand daughter and in a few days I’ll follow my daughter up the aisle ????

“This was all something I hardly dared dream about back then 5 years ago when I faced the devastating bad news.

“But I’m still here alive and kicking. I still have dreams to follow and above all I still have a huge lust for life !!!

“That said !!!

“I’m also aware that I wouldn’t have been here if it wasn’t for the skilled onkologists/doctors, the ever evolving treatment methods, the fantastic staff/nurses that’s been around me through this and finally God the allmighty for watching over me ????

“I sincerely hope that my situation can serve as an example or at least a light in the dark to others who might find themselves tangled up in the despair and hopelesness that comes with this horrible disease.

“So let me use the opportunity to once again thank all my family and friends and all of you out there for having my back.

“For all the blessings, greetings and love that was passed my way through these 5 years.

“I’m beyond grateful ❤️

“// R.A”

We’re happy to congratulate Ronnie Atkins on five years of surviving cancer, and wish him all the luck and health in the world for his ongoing struggle with this horrible disease.

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