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Escuela Grind Announces North American Tour for Whoever Still Cares At This Point


It’s time for another episode of America’s favorite sitcom: Everybody Hates Escuela Grind! I love how this New England hardcore unit managed to pull off the impossible of being hated by both sides of the political spectrum in the heavy music communities. The right-wingers think they’re too woke, and the left-wingers think they’re pretending to be woke. And somewhere in the middle there are the small handful of Escuela Grind loyalists who, I don’t know, maybe don’t know how to navigate Reddit? I guess that’s who will be showing up for the newly announced North American Escuela Grind headlining tour with support from Bodybox and Wisdom & War.

For those who haven’t gone on Reddit to read the conversations about Escuela Grind these days following the controversies that arose amidst accusations of mistreating staff members, sexual harassment, and blatant hypocrisy, I highly recommend it. The hatred of Escuela Grind on that site is so rich and thick I want to spread it on toast and eat it for breakfast. Yesterday, someone posted the new tour dates in the r/Hardcore subreddit and the comments are delightfully bitchy, including a user who asked:

“Who forced Bodybox to tour [with] Escuela [Grind]?”

As well as another one who checked in to say:

“I just wanted to make sure they weren’t coming near me.”

Which sounds less like something you expect to hear describing a hardcore band and more like something you’d expect a group of third graders to say about the kid with the ear infection who’s leaking pus. Reddit may be a wretched hive of scum and villainy, but if you’re a fan of bitchy comments, it’s also a fucking goldmine.

Anyway, I should probably get back to the actual tour. The tour is in advance of Escuela Grind’s upcoming album Dreams on Algorithms which is out on October 18. But hey, if you disagree with everything you’ve read about this band on this site and are a fan nonetheless, cool, you do you, I guess. Here’s where you can catch them:

Escuela Grind fall North American headlining tour:

October 8 – Omaha, NE    Reverb
October 9 – Denver, CO    Moe’s
October 10 – Albuquerque, NM    Launchpad
October 11 – Las Vegas, NV    Sinwave
October 12 – Ontario, CA    Glen Helen Amphitheater (as part of Mayhem Festival)
October 13 – Atadadero, CA    Dark Nectar
October 16 – Portland, OR    Dante’s
October 17 – Seattle, WA    Vera Project
October 18 – Spokane, WA    The Big Dipper
October 19 – Boise, ID    The Shredder
October 22 – Des Moines, IA    Lefty’s Live
October 23 – Milwaukee, WI    X-Ray arcade
October 24 – Chicago, IL    Reggie’s
October 25 – Detroit, MI    Sanctuary
October 26 – Toronto, ON    Hard Luck
October 27 – Montreal, QC    Caberet Foufounes

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