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Horrendous Get Soggy in Their Debut Music Video, “Preterition Hymn”


It’s been a couple weeks since American progressive death metal outfit Horrendous released their fifth full-length album Ontological Mysterium and they’ve got a show in Philly coming up with Decibel’s 20th Anniversary concert this weekend, so now’s the perfect time to drop their debut music video.

Directed by David Brodsky for My Good Eye (which explains why it looks so striking…), the video features an auburn color palette as the band in thigh-high water. The song itself is a slow, almost mournful track in “Preterition Hymn”, which flows with a dirge-like quality. It’s an epic first foray into the storied world of music videos for the band.

Speaking of the track itself, the band outline how “Preterition Hymn” fits within the album’s narrative.

“Our long awaited video debut is a symbolic journey through the lyrical themes of ‘Preterition Hymn’. It’s a psalm for the lowly and the damned, the Preterite and the passed over, sitting beneath the feet of the elect. Our downtrodden heroes are driven in chains by a mournful god to their final trial in this realm, sounding their last desperate cries in defiance of the fate bestowed upon them–and upon all of us. Is their sacrifice enough to win salvation? To rise in glorious flames? In communion with the spirit of the song, we endured the pain of icy November waters, risking life and limb to capture and offer up an authentic sacrifice in the name of the Preterite ones. Lift your voices along with our heroes that you may ascend before the tides rise again…”

Ontological Mysterium is available now via Seasons of Mist, so make sure you grab your copy today.

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