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Carcosa Releases Pulp Fiction-Based Song and Music Video “Righteous Man”


I’ve always wanted to be the badass bitch in a Tarantino movie. First of all, I love that women are able to kick so much ass in Tarantino’s movies, with characters like The Bride and Shosanna becoming some of the most iconic heroines in cinema. And who the hell doesn’t want to take a shiny new Hattori Hanzō sword and slice someone’s fucking head off. Or burn down a movie theater full of Nazis, including Hitler himself. You know, just doing girly things. Well, Vancouver-based melodic deathcore band Carcosa are acting out their own Tarantino fantasies as well.

The band released a new single yesterday and accompanying video for “Righteous Man,” and both the song and the video pay tribute to Tarantino’s arguably most well-known classic, Pulp Fiction. This marks the second time Carcosa have paid tribute to Tarantino in a video, the first being three years ago with their video for their song “Vermin” which was green-screened over actual footage from Kill Bill. For “Righteous Man”—the title of which is a reference to a Bible verse that Jules quotes at one point in Pulp Fiction—the band had even more fun with it as they acted out actual scenes from the movie, including the iconic diner robbery scene.

The band’s vocalist, Johnny Ciardullo, explained the idea for the song and accompanying video:

“Righteous Man’ is a love letter to one of the best films in the history of modern cinema. Its visceral nature and polarizing dialogue are perfectly poised for a brutal yet catchy banger.

“After having so much fun green screening ourselves into hilarious moments for ‘Nihilus,’ we knew what had to be done here. Sure, the subject matter may not be as straight up funny, but we ensured we’d inject some laughs with some hilarious props—check out those guns—and our, ahem, acting”

It’s the kind of hilarious video you’d expect to see from, say, a pop-punk band, but somehow it’s even funnier that the music for this outlandish video is deathcore instead. It’s campy, fun, and pays tribute to one of the greatest films of all time. So don’t be a…*mimes a square* and check out the video.

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