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Fred Durst Says That Corey Feldman Is Actually Playing That Awful Viral Guitar Solo


Fun fact: I’m actually quoted in Corey Feldman’s Wikipedia page for something I wrote about him in a live review of a festival for a different publication. Spoiler alert: It’s not nice. I don’t deny that a child actor can have an impressive second act, coming back as an adult to establish themselves as a legitimate artist in their adult life. Hell, it’s happened a few times, just ask Emmy and Tony award winning actor Doogie Howser, M.D. And Feldman’s not even a terrible musician, honestly, but he’s also not good enough to justify the level of ego he has. But with Fred Durst feeding Feldman’s ego at a recent performance, it seems like Feldman is going to be unbearable.

So, the whole thing started when a Twitter user @3PickupMusicMan posted a video of Corey Feldman playing a guitar solo at a live show that went viral. The original author of the tweet wrote this as the caption:

“If only guitar were that easy for us mere mortals. Did Corey Feldman perform the greatest guitar solo of all time?”

Now, Loudwire says that there are people who started accusing him of faking the guitar solo. I don’t know where these people are, because every comment I’ve found on Twitter and the YouTube video has not been about how he must have faked the solo, they’re about how awful this solo is. Even the original poster on Twitter was clearly being sarcastic in their praise if you read their comments on their own post. And they’re right. It’s…not good. You know that performance Feldman did on The Today Show that went viral for how ridiculously pretentious and terrible his dance moves are? This solo is just those terrible dance moves applied to the guitar. This goonie is not good enough.

So, since Feldman is opening for Limp Bizkit on tour right now (which sounds like far too much combined ego for one tour bus), Fred Durst decided to address the controversy on stage. In another video posted to Instagram, Durst can be seen coming up on stage during Feldman’s set and sitting in a chair very close to Feldman to watch him play the solo. Durst even gets Feldman to start and stop at one point to try to prove that it’s real. Durst announces his verdict at the end that Feldman is really performing the solo. So don’t take Feldman’s word for it, take Fred Durst’s for some reason.

Everyone in this entire scenario seems to have missed all the comments commenting that the solo is just not good. I never doubted that this awful solo came from Feldman, because it sounds like the kind of thing Feldman would think was amazing. Like I said, Feldman isn’t a terrible musician, but he’s also not a guitar virtuoso. He normally plays generic rock that requires a basic level of musical talent, and that’s been vaguely working for him. So maybe just stay in that lane, Corey.

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