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Drowning Pool Explain Delays in Releasing New Music with Returning Vocalist Ryan McCombes


Things are coming full circle once again. Last March, Drowning Pool announced they were reuniting with former singer Ryan McCombs. McCombs previously appeared on the band’s third and fourth albums, Full Circle in 2007 and their self-titled album in 2010. McCombs was the band’s third vocalist, following the tragic death of original vocalist Dave WIlliams in 2002, and the subsequent departure of second vocalist Jason Jones in 2005. Now he returns, replacing his own successor, Jasen Moreno, as the band plans to release new material with McCombs. 

In a recent interview with Minnesota radio station 94 Rocks KFML (as transcribed by Blabbermouth) McCombs explained the reason for the delay: 

“We’ve got so many different opportunities in front of us, touring-wise, and then also because of the new music, as far as how we wanna release it. We had a plan in place. We knew how we wanted to go about it. We wanna go strictly independent, but all of a sudden there’s a hunger for it. So there’s been all these different little things coming to the table, different outlets coming to the table, giving us different things to think about and to chew about. We’re not great on making decisions to begin with, but then all of a sudden now, there’s a bunch of different opportunities ahead of us and we’re just trying to figure out the best way to get the music out there to everybody. Not just this time, but moving forward, because we continue. C.J. is just like a fountain over here. They all are. I mean, it’s coming natural to us. We’re spitting stuff out. So we’re not only thinking about this song, but also the material that is yet to come and the majority that we’re currently working on and everything. So it’s just how to best present it. So that’s what the delay has been about. It’s been about the fact that we knew what we wanted to do, but then all of a sudden, there’s been so many different opportunities. Now it’s, like, which one’s the best route to go?” 

That description makes the band sound like a deer in the headlights, unsure of which direction to go in. But guitarist C.J. Pierce promised the band had some new material coming soon, saying: 

“We got some new music ready to rock and roll — finally. We keep making these promises, but [finished version of the first song] just came in on our desk on Friday. So Monday, we can start pushing that out to [our team to try to figure out how to release it].” 

So stay tuned for some McCombs-era Drowning Pool music again really soon. 

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