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Drake Got Booed at a Limp Bizkit Concert In His Own Hometown


Drake is apparently not very popular right now. According to Loudwire,  video surfaced last week of a Limp Bizkit concert where Fred Durst announced “Did you know Drake’s here tonight?” referring to the rapper who was right off on the side of the stage. Most of the crowd boos the rapper and someone close to the person filming the concert can clearly be heard uttering “What the fuck?” Durst, seemingly confused by the reaction, responds to the crowd with: 

“I thought Drake was your homie? What? No? Drake’s my homie.” 

He then dedicates the next song to Drake, which is “Take a Look Around.” To make things worse, this whole incident happened at a concert in Toronto, which is Drake’s hometown. 

A lot of people are speculating that, even in Drake’s hometown, Limp Bizkit fans might just not be the kind of people who would be into Drake. But another thing to keep in mind is that Drake’s reputation has taken a battering recently from his feud with fellow rapper Kendrick Lamar. (Yes, I follow some hip-hop, too. I have diverse interests sometimes.) 

For those who didn’t follow the feud, it wasn’t really a fair fight. Kendrick Lamar has a Pulitzer Prize and Drake is “Wheelchair Jimmy” from Degrassi: The Next Generation. But the most devastating blow in all the diss tracks exchanged between the two rappers came from Lamar in his song “Not Like Us” when he said:

“Say, Drake, I hear you like ’em young.” 

Now, I’m guessing our legal department would probably like it if I pointed out right now that there is no evidence that Drake has ever had any sort of sexual contact with minors and Lamar’s allegations are completely unproven. That being said, there’s ample evidence of him having friendships with much younger women, some of them underage, most notably actress Millie Bobby Brown. Hopefully that’s all it is, a friendship with a sort of weird age gap. But, regardless, the rap feud has brought a lot of attention to that side of Drake’s life, and I’m guessing that’s a big part of why the Limp Bizkit crowd weren’t fans. 

Okay, we promise to return you to your regularly scheduled metal programming.

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