
Britney Spears to the Osbournes: “Kindly F*ck Off”


That headline may sound like it’s time traveled from the mid-90s, but I can assure you this is all about something that’s going on right now in 2024. Last night, pop icon Britney Spears posted a huge screed calling out her haters and critics over her Instagram content — specifically the dancing she does on the platform for her 42.4 million followers to watch.

While she contended that she was a grown ass woman that can do whatever she wants on her profile within Instagram’s terms of service, she took shots at what initially seemed like a nameless, formless group of critics. That was, until she fired shots directly at the Osbourne family with a pretty succinct verbal middle finger.

“Tell the Osbourne family who is the most boring family known to mankind to kingly fuck off!!!”

Though it may seem like this is all coming out of nowhere, it’s all actually predicated on comments Jack, Kelly, Sharon, and Ozzy Osbourne made about the pop star on a recent episode of The Osbournes podcast. In it, the family was responding to a fan question about whether Kelly Osbourne would start a Tik Tok account to participate in ongoing dance trends.

“I don’t know how to do TikTok dances. I don’t know where anybody would ever think that I would.”

That question then kicked off a discussion about the trends on TikTok and Ozzy’s comment that he was “fed up seeing poor old Britney Spears on YouTube.” Everyone pretty much then began chiming in with their own thoughts and apparent concerns for Spears, who’s been in the spotlight for a while now fighting a conservatorship her parents had her under for years and years.

With comments from Sharon like “poor little thing” and “it’s heartbreaking” and Kelly saying felt “so sorry for [Spears],” you can understand where Britney might be like ‘hey wait a minute, fuck you!’

This could be just where the conversation ends, but knowing how some parts of the Osbourne family holds onto grudges, I’m willing to bet we’ll hear Ozzy and crew fire back.

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