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Tanya O’Callaghan on Finishing Whitesnake’s Farewell Tour from 2022: “Never Say Never”


Two years ago, British glam metal legends Whitesnake attempted a farewell tour that never officially ended. The band attempted to keep the tour going through a number of ailments and injuries until vocalist and frontman David Coverdale was hit with a “persistent upper-respiratory infection” that resulted in his doctors forcing him to cancel the rest of the tour. So, with two years since that tour was canceled, a few questions still linger: will Whitesnake ever complete their farewell tour? And, if they don’t, is Whitesnake still a band? What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? Okay, that last one has nothing to do with Whitesnake, but I still want to know after all these years!

Well, the answer to both of the questions remains somewhat nebulous according to Whitesnake bassist Tanya O’Callaghan. In a recent interview with Finnish outlet Chaoszine, O’Callaghan was asked about resuming the tour and, while her answer was non-committal, it also didn’t rule anything out. Here’s what she had to say, as transcribed by Blabbermouth:

“We’re hoping… We’re hoping to finish the cycle at least, but I can’t really speak fully for David because he’s, as he says himself, never say never. But he’s still recovering a little bit because that was a pretty intense tour run. And between rehearsals and everything, he had gotten sick and a lot of health stuff unfolded for him. But he’s doing pretty good. He’s really excited about doing the farewell DVD and the book, and all that will be hopefully next year, which is fantastic. And, as he says, never say never. Maybe we’ll go out around that, but he wants to write and record some stuff. So WHITESNAKE is not finished… It’s not over by any means. But I don’t know what iteration it will be that is next. Maybe, hopefully, I hope we finish the tour cycle. I really, really hope we do ’cause it’s a great group of people to work with.”

So, it would appear that Whitesnake is, at the very least, still a thing. And whatever happens with the tour, it seems there’s more farewell material from the band to be coming fairly soon.

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