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Fear Factory on Future Plans: “New Record And Then Conquer the World Again”


Over the last few years, Fear Factory’s had a hell of a time with things. From the drama that immediately kicked off after former vocalist Burton C. Bell quit the band in 2020 to the long and winding road to get to the announcement of new vocalist Milo Silvestro, there’s been plenty to talk about.

What hasn’t been really talked about though in the midst of all of that is any actual new music outside of an instrumental demo called “Roboticist.” Well, the wait may soon be over. Or maybe not.

In a recent interview with Primordial Radio during Download Festival (as transcribed by Blabbermouth), Cazares was asked how things were going with the new lineup, featuring both Silvestro and new drummer Pete Webber. From what it sounds like, things are going pretty well.

“ At the moment, smooth sailing. And it’s been great. Everybody’s on point. Pete Webber’s on drums. He’s sick. He came from a thrash metal band called Havok. Killer drummer. We call him Pete The Feet. Milo Silvestro — new kid on the block. He came straight from Rome, Italy. He sounds like a young Burton [C. Bell, original Fear Factory singer], you know what I mean? [He sounds like Burton did] back in the day. He sounds amazing. He’s probably the most musically talented in the band. And then Tony Campos, my old friend. He’s been with the band since, like, 2015. He comes from a band called Static-X. He’s been my mate for 30-plus years, and it’s always good to play with him, and I’m glad he’s with us.

“It’s a great place right now. We are trying to avoid any of that drama. And luckily we have for the past year and a half since we came back.”

Sounds peachy. If everything’s going so well within the band and everyone’s gelling, the natural question then becomes how the band’s going to move forward with this newfound positivity. For Cazares, the answer’s pretty straightforward.

“New record with Milo Silvestro. That’s what we’re gonna do next. New record. And then conquer the world again.”

Alright, so maybe that’s a little bit of a non-update. It sounds like the band, more than anything, wants to really move into its next chapter, which obviously heavily features Silvestro. We’re just past the point where we really need something new from Fear Factory — even if it’s just a single.

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