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Unleashed Are Working On A New Album


Legendary Swedish death metal band Unleashed are getting ready to unleash the 15th album of their storied career, hopefully for next year. As one of the bands with the fewest lineup changes in metal, 15 albums is a pretty huge accomplishment. From 1991’s Where No Life Dwells to 2021’s similarly titled No Sign of Life, they’ve been cranking out banger after banger while apparently finding no life along the way.

In a recent interview with Finnish outlet Rauta, the band’s bassist, vocalist, and founding member Johnny Hedlund talked about the work their doing on their next album and what the time table looks like. Here’s what Hedlund had to say, as transcribed by Blabbermouth:

“We are now working on the new album. In my world, it’s gonna get done [written] by, let’s say, the end of the summer. I would think the album is ready by the end of the summer. Then, of course, we’re gonna have to plan the recording of the album, which I would guess, let’s say, October, November, December, something like that. Then it’s up to the record company to plan when to release the album, obviously, and then we’re in 2025. So, if the album comes out, as I hope, in early 2025, then yeah, a lot of more shows, festivals, etc. In 2026, I would assume we’ll start working on the next damn album. But we’ll see. It’s a bit far, but I think that’s pretty much what we’re doing now.”

Thanks, Hedlund, for…outlining how albums are made. What other obvious updates can he throw in there. Will the recording of the album take place in a studio? Perhaps with microphones and recording equipment?

He then went on to explain the future of their touring schedule around the upcoming album, which was filled with a few more obvious revelations:

“That’s what’s right here, right now, because we’re doing it all the time. And we don’t really make a lot of extensive tours these days; we play a lot of festivals. But I think that’s in the loop for 2026 as well. Because you do a lot when the album comes out and then also the year after again, because that’s how it is. You can’t play everywhere anyway for just six months; you have to step into the next year as well. So I think that’s how it looks right now. And well, that’s a classic answer because that’s what we do all the time. But it’s real.”

While Hedlund’s answer isn’t exactly the most profound you’ve ever seen, it’s still good news for fans of the death metal heroes. For now, as Hedlund said, the band have mostly festival dates scheduled for the next several months, so here’s where you can catch them:

Sat, 17. August 2024 – Midgardsblot Festival – Borre, Vestfold, Norway
Thu, 22. August 2024 – Wolfszeit Festival (Headline) – Eisfeld, Germany
Fri, 6. September 2024 – Sun, 8. September 2024  – Close-Up Båten – Baltic Sea, Sweden
Fri, 27. September 2024 – Metal Gates Festival (Headline) – Bucharest, Romania
Sat, 28. September 2024 – Rock Weekend – Sofia, Bulgaria
Sun, 10. November 2024 – MXMF Chile – Santiago, Chile
Fri, 23. May 2025 – Sun, 25. May 2025 – Maryland Deathfest – Baltimore, MD

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