
Evan Seinfeld Reels In Expectations, Says New Biohazard Could Come Next Year


It’s been 12 long years since the release of Biohazard’s last album Reborn in Defiance, and since the band’s core lineup reunited in 2022, it’s seemed like it might finally be time for the band to be re-reborn in defiance. A few months back, bassist and vocalist Evan Seinfeld said that he hoped for the band to have new music out by the end of 2024, but now it seems like he’s scaling back his expectations a bit.

In a recent interview with French outlet Loud TV, Seinfeld explained that the band are working on new music, saying (as transcribed by Blabbermouth):

“I’m really excited about it. I’m writing a lot of lyrics right now, working on some music. All the guys are writing. It’s exciting.”

But when asked about when he plans to have the new material out, he wasn’t so ambitious as to suggest it would be out in 2024.

“I imagine early next year. I couldn’t tell you. We’re working on it this year. We’ll see what happens.”

That makes sense, as getting something out by the end of 2024 could potentially mean rushing the new material, and nobody wants that. And given what vocalist and guitarist Billy Graziadei said last month about the band getting along better than they ever have in the past, it seems safe to say that they’re not in danger of imploding again. So, hopefully, we can hope to see a brand new Biohazard album out at some point in 2025. Even if it takes longer than that, it’s better than trying to crank something out before it’s really ready to be released.

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