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Hunt the Dinosaur Vocalist Posts Then Deletes Photo with Kyle Rittenhouse Following Backlash


Texas-based deathcore band Hunt the Dinosaur wins the award this week for stupidest social media post. According to Lambgoat, the band’s vocalist Hunter Madison attended a gun show back in early May when he ran into, of all people, Kyle Rittenhouse and just couldn’t help but snap a picture with him.

For those who don’t remember, Rittenhouse became infamous for traveling to Kenosha, Wisconsin from his home in Antioch, Illinois during the civil unrest that occurred in Kenosha in response to the police shooting of a Black man named Jacob Blake by a white police officer. Rittenhouse was armed with an AR-15-style rifle, yet later claimed he was traveling there to serve as a medic and protect private property from protesters. I’m sure rifles are really helpful in medical emergencies. Rittenhouse shot three men during the unrest, killing two, but managed to be acquitted in a criminal trial by claiming self-defense somehow. Since then, Rittenhouse has become a sort of sick (and broke) right-wing hero.

So yesterday, Madison posted the picture of himself with Rittenhouse to the band’s Instagram account, which seems to also be his personal account, with the following caption:

“Ran into this guy the other day. Random as hell.”

It should have been no surprise to anyone with an ounce of common sense that this picture was going to be controversial, but Madison either lacked that ounce of common sense or was simply playing dumb when he acted surprised by the negative comments that inevitably flooded his post. After a bit of well-deserved pushback, Madison tried to justify his post with a comment reading:

“I literally have no opinion on it. I didn’t say I agreed or disagreed with the matter. You guys get so mad over a picture. All good though. You can think whatever you want. Opinions are like buttholes. Everyone has one and they usually stink.”

For the record, nobody posts a picture of themselves at a gun show with Kyle Fucking Rittenhouse flashing a thumbs up and a shit-eating grin because they have no opinion on what the dude did. After a few hours of controversy on Instagram, the picture was eventually taken down. While the incident will probably ensure that Hunt the Dinosaur remains a niche band only for hardcore-conservative metal fans, Madison will probably be happier that way anyway.

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