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Shavo Odadjian Project, Seven Hours After Violet, to Release Debut Single June 13


Once again, the announcement of a forthcoming song that nobody’s even heard yet is news. Shavo Odadjian, bassist for System of a Down, has been teasing a new solo project for several months now, variously referred to as either “SHAVO” or “Project Shavo.” Back in October, Odadjian announced the lineup in an Instagram post—featuring vocalist Taylor Barber of Left to Suffer, guitarist Alejandro Aranda, and Josh Johnson on drums—with the following caption:

“PROJECT SHAVO is officially underway! 16 songs in, recording vocals now. Very happy, very grateful!”

Well, it seems that Project Shavo was a working title for the band, as they’ve now unveiled their new name as Seven Hours After Violet. I’m a little embarrassed at how long it took me to realize that the first letter of each word in that name spells out the first four letters of “Shavo.”

With their debut song not even out yet, Seven Hours After Violet have already been booked for their first show at the revived Mayhem Festival on October 12 in San Bernardino, California. There’s no word on if the album that the band were working on in October will be out by then, but we’ll at least have our first taste of the new project next week when their first single drops.

The band teased the new single on their recently launched Instagram yesterday, featuring a video of an old CRT television with a crude, computer-generated image of a woman on it with the caption:

“Paradise…. June 13th, 2024”

Either “Paradise” is the name of the first track they’re releasing, or the band is predicting the Rapture for a week from tomorrow. It’s probably the first one, though.

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