
Matriarchs Drop Teaser for Their Album Due Out Tomorrow


Los Angeles-based metallic hardcore act Matriarchs have a new album coming out very soon and as such, they’ve released a teaser trailer to get fans and newcomers alike stoked for The Divinity Of All Things – Anthems For The Neurodivergent.

Speaking of the band’s third album, frontman K. Enagonio said the forthcoming release was an important one in the grand scheme of things.

“Matriarchs has always been a project that allows me to get my ultimate aggression out. The team has always been supportive of me going all out for these songs, lyrically speaking. This record highlights that, because a lot of these tracks serve as call outs to those who doubted us as artists and as people. This album was written for the underdogs like us…

“This album means a lot to all of us and it kind of serves as our collective call out to the industry, the shitty bookers, the friends who turned out to be snakes, and the dark parts of society. We hope you enjoy your journey through this record.”

Comprised of 11 new tracks, The Divinity Of All Things – Anthems For The Neurodivergent also features some impressive collabs, with Aaron Heard of Jesus Piece, Tom Barber of Darko and Chelsea Grin, and Billy Graziadei of Biohazard all having a spot on the record.

As mentioned, the new album will be out tomorrow via the band’s own label KnucklehedzInc, so be sure to check it out wherever you get your music.

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