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The Ocean Forced to End Their Show Early After Vaping Fan Sets Off Fire Alarms


There’s always gotta be that one dudebro that just needs to “rip fat clouds” everywhere he goes, isn’t there? Apparently there was at least one member of Vape Nation at today’s The Ocean show down in Auckland, New Zealand, with the resulting haze having tripped fire alarms and forcing the show to end abruptly.

According to a recent Instagram post from the band, the alarm kicked off as they were playing “Triassic.” And while they said the alarm “was perfectly in tune” with the music, fire officials didn’t find that particular fact relevant in their decision to shut everything down.

“the firefighter shut down our Auckland show tonight, because somebody blew a vape in the room . No kidding. A sudden end to an epic night. When the smoke alarm came off during ‘Triassic’ it was perfectly in tune with the music, so we kept playing until everybody had to leave the building..

“Venue staff tried to blame that person who was just trying to be fun and actually nice to us, since an Ocean show without smoke or even haze is a big deal type of compromise. Haze simply serves to make lighting beams visible and create a vibe. Without haze, shit will look dull and bland. Shows without haze suck, plain and simple and with all respect due to local policies in heritage buildings…

“Sorry to the ppl of Auckland for not being able to perform the last 2 songs of our set for you tonight. Come to Wellington tomorrow, we’ll make it worth your while ????????”

While it sounds like the band was cool with the fan’s vape use, it’s still gotta be frustrating to the other people in the audience that had to miss out on those final two songs of the set. This was the second to last show of the band’s ‘A Burial At Sea’ tour, which saw them hit spots in South East Asia and New Zealand before heading over to Australia for another run of dates.

So let this be a lesson to our cloud ripping buddies. Maybe take that outside and let an actual smoke machine handle the show ambience for once.

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