
Kittie Says Nu Metal’s Resurgence Only Natural: “Every Time There’s A Shift In Music, Everyone Hates It At First’


If you’re a metalhead of a particular age group, you remember a time when nu-metal was both the new hotness and the most made fun of subgenre around. Sure, the music wasn’t seen as sophisticated as older facets of metal at the time, nor did our fashion win us any points, but nu-metal fans liked what they liked and that was that. Fast forward a couple decades and the bands we liked back in the day are raking it in, selling out festivals, and inspiring an entirely new generation of fans.

Perhaps no band these days has benefited from that resurgence quite like Canadian outfit Kittie, whose newly released album has received positive reviews and their live shows have drawn supporters out form all over. During a recent appearance on Bad Wolves guitarist Doc Coyle’s podcast The Ex-Man (as transcribed by Blabbermouth), Kittie drummer Mercedes Lander, guitarist and vocalist Morgan Lander, and guitarist Tara McLeod talked about their recent rise in the wake of nu-metal’s second coming.

“It just seems like every time there’s a shift in music, everyone hates it at first. A big, popular shift, everyone has to hate it at first. And I think with nu metal, it’s like a simplified form of music, but that doesn’t make it a lesser-than form of music. And I think that oftentimes it takes a little bit of growth and perhaps some years for some of the music fans to catch up and look back and realize, like, ‘Wow, okay, that was super catchy. And actually writing those riffs and the hooks and the vocals, that’s actually not simple.’ They’re, like, simplified; it’s not simple.”

During their conversation, Mercedes Lander praised the work of nu-metal pioneers that came before them like Limp Bizkit, while her sister Morgan explained the difference between “busy” playing and playing well.

Mercedes: “Honestly, go and listen to any of [LIMP BIZKIT guitarist] Wes Borland’s playing. That’s not easy. Also, [LIMP BIZKIT drummer] John Otto, the GOAT. Have you ever watched John Otto play drums? He’s amazing.”

Morgan: “[It takes restraint] to not overplay. And I think that is a sign of real talent, and also being strategic about where you’re putting things in and how you’re writing.”

Mercedes: “I think a lot of people confuse busy playing with good music. ‘Cause there’s a lot of busy songs that I’m, like, ‘This song sucks.’ It doesn’t have to be super busy or shreddy or whatever, it doesn’t have to be like that to be good. It’s the same thing as I like to say — just ’cause you can play fast, it doesn’t mean that you should… Giving yourself that space can provide you with so much more. Keeping your music kind of simplistic even, and giving yourself that space, you can do more vocally or whatever the case might be. Less is more sometimes.”

With their forthcoming album Fire due to come out on June 21 via Sumerian Records, Kittie’s seen a lot of hype surrounding them. Their couple of singles released in support of the new album sound awesome and they’ve been playing their asses off live in recent memory.

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