Enlarge "Why would I be bummed? I'm not on the record."

Greg Puciato Wants The Dillinger Escape Plan Reunion Shows to Succeed


At the very tail end of 2023, The Dillinger Escape Plan made huge waves by announcing the guitarist Ben Weinman and original vocalist Dimitri Minakakis were teaming up to revive the incredibly influential band to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Calculating Infinity. It was a major fucking deal, with fans freaking out about the band’s return and the promise of playing such an important record in its entirety at each show.

And while the level of excitement is HUGE, apparently some people were curious about how former vocalist and Better Lovers frontman Greg Puciato felt about the news. As the odd man out from the band’s final lineup since bassist Liam Wilson and drummer Billy Rymer were also part of the reunion, surely he’s got to feel a certain way, right?

Well, during a recent interview with Metal Hammer (as transcribed by Blabbermouth), it turns out Puciato’s not only completely alright with it happening, he wants them to succeed beyond their wildest dreams. And he’s also got a simple answer as to why he wasn’t included in the plans:

“It doesn’t bother me at all. When people ask me that, as if I’m gonna be bummed, I’m, like, why would I be bummed? I’m not on the record. To me, if the band was still a band, and some of those guys, obviously [original members Brian] Benoit [rhythm guitar], [Chris] Pennie [drums] and Adam [Doll, bass] aren’t [part of the reunion shows], but if, if Dimitri and Ben were, like, ‘Hey, we wanna do some ‘Calculating Infinity’ shows, what am I gonna do? Be, like, ‘No!’ That doesn’t make any sense. I wasn’t on the record.

“So, I hope they’re wildly successful with it, and I hope that it does a lot of good for them — I hope it makes them feel good personally, those two. ‘Cause, obviously, Liam and Billy were not on that record, but the ending of them before I joined, I don’t think it was — it wasn’t fulfilling. It wasn’t a fulfilling closure. It wasn’t exactly on everybody’s terms involved. So I think them being able to go back and do this and celebrate what is non-arguably a fucking genre-changing milestone record that many bands would not exist if it wasn’t for. They should play everywhere. They should come to London, they should go play festivals, they should do everything. Like I said, I’m all for it, man.”

So there ya have it. Everyone’s super chill, everyone’s excited, and there’s no reason to read into any perceived drama because it don’t exist.

If you want to catch the show live and experience Calculating Infinity for yourself, you can check out the list of tour dates below and grab yourself a ticket. You know you want to.


June 08 – No Values Festival – Pomona, CA [Tickets]
June 21 – Brooklyn Paramount – Brooklyn, NY [Tickets]
June 22 – Brooklyn Paramount – Brooklyn, NY [Tickets]
June 23 – Brooklyn Paramount – Brooklyn, NY [Tickets]
August 24 – The Salt Shed – Chicago, IL [Tickets]

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