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Police Report Contradicts Tommy Vext’s Account of Recent Arrest


Ex-Bad Wolves vocalist Tommy Vext is a massive dillhole. Everyone knows this. He was accused of domestic violence from an ex-girlfriend in 2020, he was kicked out of Divine Hersey for his temper, and he parted ways with Bad Wolves — according to him — because of “cancel culture” after he came out against the Black Lives Matter movement and supported Donald Trump. Dillhole.

Well, the latest drama over Vext occurred last week when he was arrested in Arizona for “Threatening or Intimidating / Physical Injury or Property Damage.” Vext and his girlfriend, Hannah Keller, released a video statement on Instagram with their side of the story, captioned with the hashtag “#domesticviolenceawareness.” (Hang tight, because that hashtag is about to become really ironic.)

In the video, they claimed that the arrest came after Hannah’s father, Vince Keller—who they claim is not allowed around Hannah or her children—came over to Hannah’s home and punched her multiple times. Vext said that, after he witnessed the assault over FaceTime while he was in Las Vegas, he drove overnight to come assist her.

Hannah was arrested for allegedly striking one of her children during the incident and, when Vext showed up at the police station, he was also arrested for allegedly making threats against Hannah’s family members to Hannah’s brother, Sage, threats that Vext denies he ever made. If that’s the truth of the story, then it certainly sounds like Vext and Hannah were being treated unfairly. But this is Tommy Vext, and we all know the story isn’t going to end there.

Lambgoat got their hands on the police reports, and, to nobody’s surprise, they completely contradict Vext and his girlfriend’s version of events. Police reported that Hannah had claimed her father hit her multiple times, but there were no marks on her that indicated she had been struck in the way she claimed.

Meanwhile, the officers stated that Hannah’s child did show evidence of having been struck, hence why they arrested Hannah for domestic violence and not Vince. The police report also stated that Vext claimed, at first, not to know who Sage is, and then later showed the police texts between himself and Sage—who was saved in his phone as “Sage, Hannahs Brother”—in which Sage accused Vext of threatening him over the phone.

It’s not like police have never lied in a police report before. It’s certainly possible that Vext’s version of events is true, but there’s certainly a chance that they’re not.

The full text of the police reports is below. The names of the children have been changed to “P” to protect their anonymity.

Original Report by Sgt. McAnerny #394:

“On 05/11/2024 at 1733 hours I responded to a call of a domestic at 540 N Latigo Cir. The caller identified as Hannah Keller stated that her father Vince Keller had assaulted her. As I got closer Hannah advised that Vince was leaving in a red Nissan pickup. I observed the Nissan pickup coming down the road. I turned on my overhead lights and the truck pulled into 320 N Latigo. I started my body-worn camera and contacted the driver.

“I asked him what had happened. He advised that he was at his ex-wife’s home seeing his grand kids. I learned that Vince lives in Prescott. His ex-wife Alicia lives at the Latigo address. Alicia has been taking care of their grand kids for the last two years. He advised that their mother is Hannah and she is the black sheep of the family. He advised that he has been struggling with alcohol and has been with numerous men. The grand children’s father lives in Tonto Basin and Alicia and the father have been taking care of the kids.

“He explained that he was there and Hanna wanted to take the kids away to a bed and breakfast with her new boyfriend. The two children (10 & 8) did not want to go with Hannah. She started yelling at the kid and P came over to him and he was giving her a hug. Hannah came over and yelled at her more. He advised that he lost it and grabbed Hannah’s shirt and started yelling at Hannah. He advised that Hannah raised her fist and it looked like she was going to hit him. Hannah was yelling at him and he was yelling at her. I asked him if anyone was struck and he advised that no one hit each other.

“Vince advised that the situation was not getting better so he decided to leave. He advised he was driving home and saw me. I waited for Officer Erickson and Bogakto to get to the scene and call me. Officer Erickson called and advised that Hannah had struck P in the face which appeared to creating the issues between Vince and Hannah. He advised that he was going to arrest Hannah for the assault against P.

“Officer Erickson arrested and transported Hannah away from the scene. Vince advised that he was going to go back and say good bye to the grand kids. This concluded my involvement in this investigation. For further information please refer to the related reports and the body worn camera footage.

“End of report.”

Original report by Officer G. Erickson #610:

“On Saturday May 11th, 2024, at 1733 hours dispatch received a call from Hannah Mardell Keller advising of a domestic at 540 North Latigo Circle, Star Valley AZ 85541. Hannah advised her father (Vincent Guy Keller AKA “Vince”) threatened to “bash her fucking head in” and then entered onto the porch and grabbed her buy her shirt. Hannah never advised dispatch about being struck or hit, just the reported threats by Vince. Hannah advised dispatch her parents were not letting her take her children, and Hannah’s mother (Alicia Mardell Keller) was heard in the background by dispatch stating the children did not want to go with her.

“Sgt. M. McAnerny, Officer N. Bogatko and I responded to the scene. It was reported Vince was leaving from the scene prior to units arrival and he was leaving in a red Nissan truck with a camper shell. Sgt. M. McAnerny was the first unit on scene and contacted Vince as he was leaving in the Nissan, which showed the Arizona License Plate of 6WA3ER. Sgt. M. McAnerny conducted an interview with Vince, please refer to his supplemental report in reference to his full involvement in the case, along with the interview of Vince.

“Officer N. Bogatko arrived to the residence and was speaking with Hannah at the entrance to the driveway just off the property. Please refer to Officer N. Bogatko’s supplemental report in reference to his full interview with Hannah.

“I arrived on scene and went to a feed barn located on the premise of the residence where I came into contact with Alicia as well as the two children, Fi and In speaking with Alicia she stated she had little involvement and tried to stay separate from the situation. Speaking with Alicia she stated the giris have been living between her residence and father’s (Travis Hart) full time. Alicia stated Hannah resides with her, but does not pay rent, does not cook, does not get groceries, and everything provided for the girls is done so by herself and Travis. Alicia stated Hannah has left on several occasions and just left the girls with her so she could go move in with a boyfriend and be an “exotic dancer” in Vegas. Alicia stated the girls have live at the residence with her going between her and Travis for nearly two years. Hannah has no set residency and there is a family plan which has been in place since the divorce of Travis and Hannah. Alicia went to do chores while I spoke with P and P.

“In speaking with P and P I asked them what happened. stated Hannah told her and P an AirBnB, to which P to gather their things and they were going to go stay in stated she did not want to go and told Hannah such. P stated Hannah struck her with an open palm slap to the left hand side of her face. While describing this P used her right hand to demonstrate where she was slapped. As she did this I could see a visible redness to the area described. P stated after she was slapped in the face Hannah then began spanking her. confirmed seeing this and stated when this happened she ran away from Hannah and went to Alicia and Vince. Once this was done, this is when P and ended up with Alicia and ultimately ended up in the feed barn where I located them when I arrived.

“While speaking with the three of them, the son of Alicia, Sage Carli, called and advised he had just been threatened by his sister’s (Hannah), boyfriend, Thomas P. Cummings AKA “Tommy Vext”. I then spoke with Sage over the phone who advised Tommy Vext had called him and told him he was going to kill his father (Vince) and then come after him for not going back and being there for his sister. Sage stated Tommy Vext told him he was going to go over to home and deal with it himself. When P and Pl heard this they became even more afraid and verbal with their want not to go with Hannah and Tommy Vext. When they heard this information they additionally became concerned for Vince and were calmed when told their grandfather was with my Sergeant who would not let anything happen to him.

“I then spoke with Alicia a little further who had also received a call from Travis by this time. I spoke with Alicia who advised Hannah has over the last several years on more than one occasion just up and left the girls to go live and or move with another man. Alicia advised the most recent occurrence of this was in November of 2023, when Hannah left the girls and went to live and be with Tommy Vext in Nevada. Hannah was gone from November until January of 2024 when she returned. Per Alicia during this time and for the past two years Hannah has never paid for anything have been taken care of fulltime by Travis and her (Alicia). Alicia stated if I spoke with Hannah, she would state she does all the cooking, grocery shopping and a list of other things. Alicia stated for the last two years she has only received $1,000.00 and no assistance with P and Pl as she (Alicia) is doing most everything.

“I then spoke with Travis over the phone who had spoken with Pl and P and advised of the past with Hannah. and Pl are their children in common and after they divorced the court ordered 50/50 custody with each having their custody two days at a time then alternating. Travis also confirmed Hannah has left the girls on more than one occasion and in doing so the girls have maintained the 50/50 living situation with Alicia during these times. Travis stated he gets the girls from school everyday and if he cannot then Alicia will. Travis stated Hannah does not assist in this portion of parenting. Travis stated the girls wanted to go with him and he would be more than willing to come pick them up if allowed. I asked Travis if when Hannah has left and left the girls if she has assisted them in any way either monetarily or in any fashion. Travis stated Hannah has never helped during these times and it has been just him and Alicia taking care of everything. Travis stated he would like to fight for full custody of P and P, he just does not have the funding to retain a lawyer and has always abided by the initial family court order. Travis does not claim the girls for taxes as he stated Hannah claims them and this way he does not have to pay child support which was an agreement made between Hannah and himself years prior. I advised Travis he would be contacted with the resolution to the situation by myself or someone once a decision has been made.

“I spoke with Officer N. Bogatko who had stated Hannah said the girls were okay and were never hit during any portion of the altercation. and Hannah advised him she had been hit by Vince. Officer N. Bogatko took photographs and additionally spoke with Tommy Vext over FaceTime. Please refer to Officer N. Bogatko’s supplemental report in reference to this case.

“I then contacted Sgt. M. McAnerny who summarized his contact with Vince. Sgt. M. McAnerny advised Vince told him he grabbed Hannah by her shirt and was yelling at her and the two of them were yelling at eachother and calling eachother names. explained the situation with P to Sgt. M. McAnerny and ultimately the decision was made to arrest Hannah for the assault of P in violation of Arizona Revised Statute (A.R.S) 13-1203.A(3). Due to P age (10 years old) and Hannah’s age (30 years old) the violation becomes A.R.S. 13-1204.A(6).

“Hannah was placed under arrest at 1823 hours and was placed into handcuffs which were checked for tightness and double locked. Hannah began yelling and screaming and asked what she was under arrest for and I advised her for assault of Hannah continued to yell and scream and advised she was assaulted by Hannah stated she was hit in the face, however there were no marks or anything consistent with being struck by a closed fist strike as stated. enroute to the Gila County Jail, Payson (108 West Main Street, Payson AZ 85541) Hannah changed to she was pushed into the ground and assaulted, and then changed to she was struck in the face multiple times, and then at the jail advised jail staff she was struck in the head and had an injury, which still was not visible to me. Hannah was later provided her phone call and provided the address to Tommy Vext of the AirBnB and provided the address to Alicia’s home.

“Hannah was booked for the violation of A.R.S. 13-1204.A(6) per domestic violence A.R.S. 13-3601.A.

“I spoke with Sage again while completing paperwork at the jail for Hannah and Sage provided me with screen shots to the time in which Tommy Vext called him from the phone number of Vext” where he has him saved in his phone as “Tommy” l asked Sage if he would aid in prosecution for threats and intimidation and he advised he would. I then completed a partial booking paperwork and completed Victim’s Rights for Sage for the violation of A.R.S. 13-1202.A (1).

“I called Department of Child Safety (DCS) and spoke with Linda ID number 2153, and provided a DCS report for child abuse or neglect based on the occurrence of today and the information provided on several occasions where Hannah has left her children and during these times have provided no assistance or care for the child while they were staying with Alicia and Travis. The report number taken by Linda was IN10517607.

“On the morning of Sunday May 12th, 2024, at 0818 hours Tommy Vext came to the Payson Police Department (303 North Beeline Highway, Payson AZ 85541) to speak with me in regards to what he witnessed. Tommy Vext stated he was on FaceTime with Hannah and observed her father (Vince) walk up to Hannah, grab her shirt, and then begin punching her. Tommy Vext stated the phone fell during this time. Tommy Vext asked why Vince was not arrested and I advised him the evidence of the scene was contradictory to what he was telling me and there were no injuries or markings to Hannah as would be expected if she were to have been punched with a closed fist strike multiple times. Tommy Vext stated he would have his lawyers come speak to me and I advised him this was fine.

“I then asked Tommy Vext about calling Sage. Tommy Vext asked who Sage was and initially denied having contacted him and I explained to Tommy Vext he called Sage and threatened Vince and then told Sage he was going to come after him. Tommy Vext then admitted to texting Sage, and then this changed again to he had called Sage. I placed Tommy Vext under arrest at approximately 0833 hours and he was placed into two sets of handcuffs which were checked for tightness and double locked. Tommy Vext then showed me the text message exchange between him and Sage, who was saved in his phone as “Sage Hannahs Brother”. The first text showed at approximately 1758 which was 11 minutes after the call to Sage at 1747. The first text from Sage asked Tommy Vext if he was threatening him. This appeared as a strange exchange if Tommy Vext did not make any mention of threats during their one minute phone call. The text exchange went on where Tommy Vext was telling Sage he should be there for Hannah and that was all he was asking him to do. The exchange seemed to end where Sage told him to no longer contact him as he wanted nothing to do with him.

“Tommy Vext was transported to the Gila County Jail, Payson, and booked for the violation of A.R.S. 13-1202.A(1). Prior to being placed into a cell Tommy Vext shook my hand and advised me he appreciated me taking my time and explaining the situation to him and shook my hand. I have attached all related documents to this report and this concludes my involvement in the case. This case will be forwarded to the Gila County Attorney’s Office for their records.

“End of report.”

Supplemental report by N Bogatko:

“On 5/12/24 at 1734 hours, I responded responded to 540 north Latigo Circle, Star Valley, AZ for a domestic disturbance and parties were separated.

“Dispatch advised the other party involved, Vince Keller, was in a red truck that was leaving the scene. As I was arriving on scene, I observed Sgt. McAnerny with the red truck and a male later identified as Vince Keller.

“I continued to the residence and parked by the residence. I observed 4 females outside. Two adults, and two children. The older adult, later identified as Alicia Keller, was holding the older child, P H , age 10, and the younger child, P age 8 was seen a few feet away from Alicia. Both children were seen crying, with red swollen eyes. The younger female, Hannah Keller, was seen away from the three others.

“I then spoke with the mother of the children and the reporting party Hannah Keller, who verbally identified herself. Hanna was on the phone with her current boyfriend Thomas Cummings who also verbally identified himself while on facetime with Hannah.

“Thomas stated he was on the phone with Hannah when a verbal argument began and during the dispute, Vince grabbed Hannah by the collar of her shirt with his right hand and began punching Hannah in the face with a closed left fist. Thomas stated he saw Vince punch Hanna three (3) times before the phone fell to the ground. Thomas then stated once that happened, he called the police.

“I then spoke with Hannah about this incident, who stated she rented an Air B&B and was telling the children to pack their things and get into the vehicle. Hannah continued by saying her oldest daughter, P refused to get into the vehicle and was arguing with her about going. P did not want to go with her mother and wanted to stay at the house with grandmother (Alicia). Hannah stated she was very upset and became mad at P and started telling P she did not have a choice. She continued by telling P because she was the child she did not get to decide on going or not and told her again to get her things packed and get into the vehicle.

“Hannah then stated this was when her father Vince grabbed her by the shirt collar with his right hand and punched her three (3) times with a closed left fist. Hannah stated she was able to block all the punches and was not injured and did not want any medical attention.

“Hannah continued by saying her father came to visit and she does not have a good relationship with him, and he does not live at the house. Hannah said she lives with her girls at the house with her mother Alicia. She also stated she did not want to be at the house with her father because she has been sexually abused by her father and he is a pedophile. She also said she was going to counseling because of the issues she had with her father when she was a child.

“While I was speaking with Hannah, I did not see any red marks or swelling on her face. I also did not see any red marks on her arms where she may have blocked any punches. She was crying and had red swollen eyes. I was also able to see where there appeared to be a red mark on her chest and some dry skin around the front of her neck by the collar. Pictures of those injuries were taken and placed in evidence.com.

“I then spoke with Officer Erickson about the information I was provided as he was speaking with the grandmother Alicia and the two girls. Officer Erickson then told me he was provided with other information that Hannah had struck P in the face and buttocks during the argument and that was when Vince intervened and grabbed Hannah by the shirt collar but there was not mention of Hannah getting punched in the face.

“I then walked back to Hannah with Officer Erickson who then placed Hannah under arrest, handcuffed her, checked for fit, searched her and placed her in the back of his fully marked patrol vehicle where she was seat belted in. Officer Erickson asked that I take pictures of P face where she was slapped.

“I then went back to where Alicia, P and P were. I told P I needed to take a picture of where Hannah had hit her, and P stated she was slapped in the face on the left side and also spanked on her buttocks. I told P I would just take a picture of her face and did not need to take pictures of where she was struck on her buttocks. Pictures of P face was taken and uploaded to evidence.com.

“Once I completed this, I cleared the scene.

“This concludes my involvement with this case.”

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