Review: Knocked Loose are Existential and Heavy on You Won’t Go Until You’re Supposed To
Let’s just get it out right up front — with their quickly rising star propelling them to new heights, hardcore outfit Knocked Loose has released what could be a perfect example of what happens when a band does whatever they want and absolutely makes it work for them. That’s what you’re getting with You Won’t Go Until You’re Supposed To, out now via Pure Noise Records.
It’s easy to be skeptical of this record because it’s a band’s third bite at the apple. With news spreading around its initial announcement that it would feature vocal cameos from the likes of Poppy and Chris Motionless of Motionless in White, it might have been easy to dismiss this as a potential misstep. Yet thanks to the band’s capabilities as artists, along with the production work by Drew “WZRD BLD” Fulk, it manages to remain true to what Knocked Loose is. This album is absolutely the result of a band keeping it heavy and aggressive, without compromising to make their sound more poppy (no pun intended).
I usually find that the best metal and hardcore records, at least to me, are ones on which the songs are distinct and memorable — almost like a pop record in that sense. To that end, this album delivers with songs that ou’ll want to listen over and over, whether you’re in your car or tearing it up in the pit.
One of the best songs on the record is “Suffocate,” which is almost lulling in its rhythmic motion, honed in especially hard on drum-heavy goodness. “Don’t Reach For Me” is absolutely breathtaking; made up almost entirely of breakdowns, this is going to be a live favorite for years to come. “The Calm That Keeps You Awake” will be especially lauded by riff heads, as it contains some of the best guitar work on the record.
On every track, Knocked Loose rip forward with their signature blend of hardcore, metal sensibilities, and catchy and aggressive songwriting. Though there are a few interludes and transitions, for the most part, this album never loses steam, a banger from start to finish with never a dull moment.
“Moss Covers All” is a song so heavy and Southern-style humid you can almost feel it, calling forth the classically claustrophobic sound they often channel. “Take Me Home” is another standout track for its heavy chorus and memorable hook. “Sit & Mourn” wraps the album up nicely with a sad, heavy realness that leaves you wanting to start the album over.
From start to finish, this is a solid, heavy record full of memorable and catchy moments that you’ll want to revisit time and time again. Don’t miss a moment, and play this one and over and over.
Knocked Loose’s You Won’t Go Until You’re Supposed To is out now via Pure Noise Records. Order it here.