
A Woman’s Spine Was Severely Injured After Trophy Eyes’ Frontman’s Stage Dive


A woman in upstate New York is waiting to find out her prognosis after suffering a “catastrophic spinal cord injury” during this past Tuesday’s Trophy Eyes show at Mohawk Place. And according to eye witness accounts, it’s all the fault of frontman John Floreani ignoring the venue’s no moshing policy and stage diving into the crowd.

The woman, named Bird Piché, was just watching the show when Floreani jumped from the stage and onto the crowd back first just moments into the start of the band’s set. Though video footage shows fans reacting positively and carrying him around the crowd, first-hand accounts of what happened to Piché have begun popping up online. In one Reddit post, an individual said they were right next to the woman when she was injured.

“My partner and I were directly beside her. As soon as we heard her say she was scared and couldn’t move we knew it wasn’t good. John was clearly devastated. I am curious how this will affect the rest of the tour and if he’ll come out with a statement about it.”

Shortly after the stage diving incident, the show was abruptly stopped and Piché was taken to a nearby hospital. According to a GoFundMe page set up for her medical bills, recovery, and potential future needs, Piché has already undergone extensive surgery.

Though people who were there at the venue say Floreani was visibly shaken and upset by what happened, the band is still continuing on with their tour. To their credit, they’ve already donated $5,000 to Piché’s GoFundMe, though I wouldn’t be shocked if they and the venue will be the subject of a pretty expensive legal case.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time something like this has happened at Mohawk Place. During a Terror and Trapped Under Ice show, a man named Mike Bird was injured by a stage diver and suffered a broken C5 and C6 vertebrae. That injury also required spinal surgery and the lawsuit that followed nearly sunk the venue.

If you have the means to contribute, feel free to do so by heading over to the associated GoFundMe page. We’re pulling for as speedy a recovery as possible.

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