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Trapt Hilariously Dropped Off Louder Than Life, Chris Taylor Brown Blames U.S. Government


Man, it’s sure been a minute since we had the likes of Trapt and their pedo-defending, Proud Boys-loving, cop-boot-licking frontman Chris Taylor Brown on the site, but this was too good to pass up. These guys (and really just Brown) just can’t stay away from the hilarious self-owns, can they?

Back in February, when the lineup for Louder Than Life 2024 was announced, the headline was obviously that Slayer was playing. Yet buried in the huge list of bands performing at the festival this year was everyone’s favorite bargain basement butt rock band, Trapt. I didn’t mention it at the time because that band name is an insta-ignore for me most of the time.

When the lineup was announced, Trapt (again, most likely Brown) commented saying that they hoped festival organizers would “stay strong in the face of these lying trolls” that wanted to see the band removed from the bill. They also claimed that all of the negative response to their inclusion in the festival was due to social media accounts that were “paid by the US govt in some way.”

You’re right, Chris. It can’t simply be because you’re a crazy person and your band hasn’t been relevant since “Headstrong.”

Well anyway, they were dropped yesterday along with Des Rocs, with both bands replaced by Silent Planet and UnityTX. The change was amidst a number of lineup and schedule changes. And while organizers said they were “sad” to see the bands removed from the bill, that didn’t stop Trapt from posting about it on Facebook with — you guessed it — industry conspiracy theories, blaming the mainstream media, and zero accountability.

“Pretty sure Louder Than Life booked the band just to virtue signal by taking us off. As you can see the entire music industry along with the biggest social media companies in the world are doing their best to hurt the band.

“Like I’ve been saying, it’s what Trapt does despite the treatment we get from the industry and many promoters who had no problem booking the band before I went public with my support for Trump and my political/social views. It’s all about the music now, has been for well over a year, but once you disagree with the mainstream media industry, of which the entertainment industry is a huge part of, they will stop at nothing to try and hurt you. I’m sure all of you can see that by now.

“Even with this treatment, trapt streaming is up to 8 million listeners a month across all platforms, from 5 mil in 2020 and we love being able to post such great footage of the shows we are doing all over our social media pages. See you out on the Parental Advisory Tour with Josey Scott Band (original singer of Saliva) Adema Tantric and One Day Alive May 2 to June 2. We’ll be hitting the rest of the country in August and again in October and November with Smile Empty Soul.”

Normally I would have tried to summarize that, but I figured it would be better to just share everything they (he) spouted off. Chris even went on TikTok and Facebook to play an acoustic version of his band’s new single, whatever the fuck it’s called, and then said pretty much the same thing there.

What’s really funny about the whole thing is the fact that plenty of bands on the bill are Trump supporters. Hell, we’re pretty sure James Hetfield’s a Republican, so there goes his theory right out the window.

But keep being you, Trapt and Chris Taylor Brown. Keep being you, because it’s some crazy rich cabal keeping your band down — not your talent or stupid online antics!

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