Sh*t That Comes Out Today – February 9, 2024
There will be 14 more of these posts until the world gets to hear what Kerry King’s solo album From Hell I Rise sounds like. Sure, the first single is basically post-Hanneman Slayer 2.0, but what if it ended up being just one big Steely Dan sound-alike? One could only be so lucky to watch metal internet fucking implode on itself if that were the case.
Chelsea Wolfe
She Reaches Out To She Reaches Out To She (Loma Vista Recordings)
Who says music featured on MetalSucks can’t be restorative? That’s apparently the focus of Chelsea Wolfe’s latest offering She Reaches Out To She Reaches Out To She, after all — self-reflection and healing. As pointed out in our review of the album, this new release “serves as a culmination of what Wolfe has done so far, paying equal tribute to what has come before, the healing that has since taken place, and what her reality is now.”

Verses In Oath (20 Buck Spin)
Black metal purists take note. The sophomore album from Hulder is no fucking joke, as it takes the Northwestern winters they’ve endured over the years and turned them into a nearly 40-minute powerhouse of a record. If you grew up idolizing black metal artists back in the ’90s, this one should feel right up your alley.

Infected Rain
Time (Napalm Records)
Proggy, electronic, nu-metal-esque tunes are the focus of this new release from Infected Rain. This band’s been riding a high over the last couple years, finding success with their previous release Ecdysis and blowing up on major festival stages along the way. Time is introspective and thoughtful, as it soars on vaulted highs and plows through explosive bursts of metal.

Smoking Snakes
Danger Zone (Frontiers Music Srl)
Some traditional heavy metal coming straight out of the 80s with this new release from Gothenburg, Sweden’s own Smoking Snakes. Seriously, listen to the track below and tell me this shit wouldn’t have gone completely off on the Sunset Strip back in the day. Danger Zone is their debut album and already they sound like they’ve been around for decades, slinging sleazy metal to the masses.

The Last Ten Seconds Of Life
No Name Graves (Unique Leader Records)
Deathcore outfit The Last Ten Seconds Of Life are back doing what they’ve done for more than a decade now — kick all kinds of ass. With this being their seventh studio album, No Name Graves pulls no punches in a way that feels familiar to genre purists while still finding ways to surprise the hell out of us with each listen.
Other Shit That Comes Out Today:
Alfahanne, Vår tid är nu (Dark Essence Records)
Aureole, Alunarian Bellmaster (Lupus Lounge / Prophecy Productions)
F.K.Ü., The Horror And The Metal (Despotz Records)
Galleons, Violent Delights (Famined Records)
Haystack, Doomsday Goes Away (The Dogma Repertory Institute/threeman Recordings)
Lacuna Coil, Doomsday Tapes (Alone Records)
Petrification, Sever Sacred Light (Svart Records)
Spiritual Deception, Semitae Mentis (Amputated Vein Records)
tAKiDA, The Agony Flame (Napalm Records)
Where Oceans Burn, The Faces We Portray (Prime Collective)