
Review: Extinction A.D. is Mad as Hell on Ruthless Intent


Before we begin, I have to start off by saying I was never the biggest fan of crossover thrash to begin with. It can be fun, and I appreciate the attitude and the blue-collar mentality which makes it so relatable, but just like some people don’t like eating Brussels sprouts or oysters or whatever, I was never really enamored by that particular flavor of obnoxiousness. For whatever reason, it just doesn’t do much for me, and nine times out of ten I’d prefer to listen to something more technical or atmospheric.

However, credit should be given where credit is due, and for what it’s worth, Ruthless Intent, the latest EP from Long Island metallic hardcore outfit Extinction A.D., is good for what it is. The production is crystal clear without feeling sterile, allowing each riff, breakdown, and two-step groove plenty of room to breathe without any one aspect overshadowing the other. The drums in particular are a high point, with Mike Sciulara’s dynamic performance anchoring everything with poise and confidence. There are also a few genuinely ripping guitar solos to break up the pacing as well, especially the extended solo section in the third track “Living to Desecrate”. That one was gnarly.

It’s angry as all hell too, with the lyrics positively dripping with disdain for the hyper political, clout-obsessed modern society we find ourselves in today. Lines like “I won’t validate your cancerous behavior, you’re not a goddamn puppet or the world’s fucking savior” and “Sever the tumors, celebrate the scars, pissing on the ashes of the old guard” set the tone in no uncertain terms, highlighting the band’s utter repulsion for the current state of the world. And honestly, who can blame them? Shit’s pretty much fucked out there, man.

And now we come to the fork in the road, the part that I’ve been dancing around for three paragraphs to try and be respectful but ultimately just can’t be ignored: the vocals. To me, Rick Jimenez’s voice sounds like if Rob Flynn sang at a higher register. I already don’t like Machine Head on the best of days, so as much as I tried to be open-minded, I just couldn’t get behind it. Ultimately, it ended up being a serious turn-off for me. If we’re talking about barking vocals on top of “beat up your friends” riffs then I prefer someone with a much beefier sound, like Jamey Jasta or Barney Greenway.

I’m sure there are plenty of other people who would disagree, and to be fair you can hear that the man has full control over his voice with no strain or cracking whatsoever, plus I’ll always give props to anyone who can play guitar and sing at the same time. But at the end of the day, it still comes back to Brussels sprouts and oysters. It just ain’t for me.

I can definitely sympathize with being disgusted at the world around you and needing to find an avenue to express it, but when it comes to raging over societal woes I personally tend to gravitate more towards straightforward thrash or grindcore since they both hit harder, like the difference between a beer and a shot of tequila. But then again, grind is famously- even characteristically- lacking in polish, so there is an argument to be made for the blending of thrash, hardcore, and punk as a more cohesive and discernible alternative. If crossover is indeed your thing, then I’m sure you’ll get way more out of this EP than I did.

Extinction A.D.’s Ruthless Intent drops on Friday, January 12 via Unique Leader Records. Pre-order your copy here.


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