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Clown Speaks Out on Slipknot’s Split with Jay Weinberg


It’s now been over a month since Slipknot parted ways with their former drummer, Jay Weinberg, and the drama that has ensued in that time is pretty expansive.

First, Weinberg came out with his side of the story, and then a ton of bands sounded off. Most of the folks discussing the issues were offering their condolences, but some—We’re looking at you, Laura Jane Grace—doubled down on saying they weren’t surprised.

Now, Slipknot percussionist Shawn “Clown” Crahan has now thrown in his two cents. In a recent interview with NME, he shares what he thinks happened:

“We are completely in reflection mode, and reflection can bring tears. Reflection can bring smiles. Reflection can bring energy. Now, we are in a place that we never imagined we would be 25 years on. We’re standing really strong, and we’re better as people.

“I think all of us are really, really happy about what we’re creating to the point where we’re scared a little bit. That fear is what we live for, and that’s what we’ve always done. That’s why we’re still here.

“We’ve moved away from things that don’t belong and we are continuously moving away from what is in the way. There are no hard feelings. There’s no anger or hate. Nobody’s wrong. No one’s mad, it’s just that we’re very aware of us. If you’re a Slipknot fan, then you know what that means. The future is very very exciting. I’m excited, because no one really knows what we’re capable of—as usual.

“As far as Jay goes, what people need to know is, Jay did not leave the band, and what I want to say is that we’re moving on. Like the statement said, we’re choosing to do something different. This space that we’re at right now is a very, very special space, thought about and generated mostly by the OGs [longstanding members Corey Taylor, Mick Thomson, Sid Wilson and Jim Root].”

Cryptic words indeed, and this opens up a lot of questions, both about what Slipknot have in store and what really did go on behind the scenes.

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