Cradle of Filth Cancel Tel Aviv Show Due to Ongoing Conflict
The ongoing crisis in Israel and the Gaza Strip forced Cradle of Filth to cancel their upcoming show in the region, even though we’re still a couple months out from the actual date.
The band announced via social media that their February 10, 2024 date will no longer happen on their tour with Wednesday 13 and Sick N’ Beautiful.
This caused some folks on Facebook to suggest the cancellation had something to do with their so-called political views, but Cradle of Filth insist the cancellation wasn’t political at all. Instead, they said they have been advised against travel to the region because of logistical challenges and safety issues posed by the conflict.
“Cradle of Filth announce the postponement of their Tel Aviv show in Israel, not because of any affiliation with terrorist groups as some people on Facebook have nefariously suggested, but due to band member’s governments advising against travel to the region, our insurers refusing to cover the band for the show and the logistics of bringing a concert and equipment to a nation in the grip of war.
“We fully understand the gravity of the situation in Israel and Gaza City at the present and apologies to all our fans in the region for the postponement.
“We are very sorry for the decision and appreciate the disappointment that our fans must be feeling, but it must be realised that this opportunity has been taken out of our hands due to the seriousness of the situation, as it was when we were forced to postpone our lengthy tour of Russia last year under similar circumstances.
“We have performed in Israel before and thoroughly enjoyed the experience with our Israeli friends and fans alike and were very much looking forward to starting our February tour in Tel Aviv.
“Thank you for your understanding. We are mere musicians not activists or soldiers and by that token, are privy to the concerns and requests of international advisement.
“Yours faithfully,
“Cradle of Filth”
Political affiliations, or lack thereof aside, it makes sense that bands would avoid traveling to the region right now. They will definitely be missed by those who were hoping to catch the show.