Enlarge Because of course he did.

Deftones’ Stephen Carpenter Teases New Music to a Bunch of Flat Earthers


Buoyed by their past success and popularity on social media platforms like TikTok, it’s looking like Deftones have been secretly working this whole year on new music that they’re hoping to release sometime in 2024. At least that’s the news from Deftones guitarist Stephen Carpenter, who shared that exclusive update with *checks notes* …a Christian flat Earth channel….

If you know anything about Carpenter, that’s about the most Stephen Carpenter-ass thing that could have happened in regards to teasing new Deftones music. I mean, we’re talking about a guy that doesn’t believe 9/11 was real. The interview was originally posted back in July on the crackpot, not based in any sort of actual scientific fact YouTube channel Gnostic Academy.

“In the last couple months, really two or three months, we… well maybe a little longer now, really. February is when we started. We starting to work on new material for a new record.

“It’s going good. It’s a little slow at first, but it always is. Dragging our feet ain’t nothing new. But we’ve got the stuff up and going now, and yeah. We’re on a good little momentum at the moment and we hope to have it all done and out by next spring or summer. I mean, there’s no official date yet but that’s our goal.”

Now, I don’t know why Metal Injection‘s Greg Kennelty was watching a Christian flat Earth YouTube video, but he was quick to jump on this story, so that’s neither here nor there. What’s important is that he was able to transcribe Carpenter’s comments, where he also revealed that the band is once again collaborating with producer Nick Raskulinecz, who’d worked on both Diamond Eyes and Koi No Yokan.

“Everything stems from us just jamming out some ideas, messing around. Someone comes up with something that maybe someone else or everyone else likes, and then we focus in on that for a little bit.

“That’s what Nick’s great at doing, too. He’s good at… well we could just sit and jam aimlessly and plow through idea after idea without even stopping to recognize ’em. He’s great at saying ‘that idea is really cool. Let’s try that. Let’s try to work on that for a minute, and then that other idea might be really cool with that one. Let’s try putting them together’ and stuff like that. So that’s what’s awesome about him. He’s like a an unofficial band member at that point. He’s good at giving us direction where we don’t normally do that well on our own.”

Sadly, this will be the band’s first new release since bassist Sergio Vega quit the band back in 2021. While Fred Sabian has been filling in during their live gigs, the band has yet to announce an official replacement for Vega.

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