Photos: Eyehategod, Goatwhore, Cancer Christ, and Whatsdysmorphia at the Vets Hall in Santa Cruz, California on September 10, 2023
This past Sunday, the Vets Hall in Santa Cruz, California was home to an absolutely killer gig with a lineup that nearly any metal fan would want to see. Eyehategod, Goatwhore, Cancer Christ, Whatsdysmorphia, and Judas Goat all took the stage on September 10 in what proved to be a day full of metal.
Thanks to the incredibly talented Derek Tobias, we’ve got photos from that evening’s events from every band except Judas Goat. Sadly, he missed their set but from all accounts, they kicked some ass too.
What you’ll see below are just some of the shots we received. So whether you were at the gig or want to live vicariously through these images, be sure to scroll below to check ’em all out. We are incredibly thankful to have Derek Tobias on hand to share his talents.
So yeah, check out the photos and give Derek some love over on his Instagram page @simmonstobias..


Cancer Christ
