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New Fear Factory Album Won’t Be Out Until At Least 2024


It feels like a new Fear Factory record has been on the horizon for years, but you’ll have to wait a little bit longer. In a new update offered by guitarist Dino Cazares, he explained that Fear Factory are still working on a new album but that they continue to have and take on new live obligations.

Speaking to ADK News (h/t Blabbermouth), Cazares broke down the band’s schedule for the next year; it doesn’t include time to finish the record until this time next year, and that’s if everything goes according to plan.

“We start October 6th going into December 17th, and then we have Christmas break, obviously. January we go back into the studio, start finishing more stuff from the [upcoming] record. And then late January, we’ve got another big tour coming up, which I can’t say who it is yet, but it’s gonna be a fucking killer package. And it’s in the U.S. And that’s gonna be another two-month tour. And then we’ve got some festivals — April, May, June and probably August. Then, in the summer, I need to take the summer off to finish the new record, get it out and then get back on the road probably by October, November next year again.”

Cazares stressed that it’s a lot of logistics and that he keeps saying yes to opportunities, including the inaugural Metal Injection Fest.

“It’s a lot of planning. We’re getting asked to do a lot of things and right now I’ve been saying yes, just to try to get the band back out there, try to get the band to rebuild our large live credibility. We want the fans to come back. And then you hit ’em with a new song and then you hit ’em with a new album. And you just get back out there and do it again.”

Hopefully things keep moving smoothly in the Fear Factory camp and we get that new record next fall.

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