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Staind Perpetuate the “Cycle of Hurting” with Their Latest Single, New Album Details Released


I don’t know about you, but I still can’t believe that of all the bands that grew to massive levels of success in the early 2000s, we’re stuck getting new Staind. Frontman Aaron Lewis hasn’t exactly been endearing himself to large swathes of the population in recent years and of all those acts, theirs felt like the most tired by the end of things.

Yet here we are — Staind are back and they’re adding more electronic elements to their sad sack butt rock. If you’ve heard the band’s past songs, the lyrical content will feel right at home in this one. And if you haven’t read the lyrics yet, you’re in luck since the video they dropped today in conjunction with the single lays out the “I’m sad it’s all my fault” trope.

That being said, there were some interestingly heavy parts, including a bit that I’d be shocked if it was Aaron Lewis in 2023, since it deals with a lot more screaming at around the 2:35 mark than I know I personally associate Staind with.

In addition to the single, the band outlined more information about their first new album since 2011, titled Confessions of the Fallen. It’s still slated for a September 15 release date and if you really want to you can preorder it now. But we now know that the new record will feature 10 new Staind tracks, which are listed below.

We’ve already heard “Lowest In Me” and “Cycle Of Hurting,” but I’m sure we’ll get more chances to hear 2023 Staind before the album drops. Whether that’s an exciting prospect or a threat from on high, that depends on your feelings about Lewis and the band.

01. “Lowest In Me”
02. “Was Any Of It Real?”
03. “In This Condition”
04. “Here And Now”
05. “Out Of Time”
06. “Cycle Of Hurting”
07. “The Fray”
08. “Better Days”
09. “Hate Me Too”
10. “Confessions Of The Fallen”

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