Enlarge Nekrogoblikon brought a kid up on stage to sing with them, and it was wholesome.

Nekrogoblikon Brought a Kid on Stage and it was Heartwarming


Nekrogoblikon are already known as the wholesome, weird, goofy uncle types in the metal world, and now, they’ve truly solidified that by bringing a kid up on stage to sing with them. And, as expected, it was heartwarming.

At a show in Milwaukee, WI, the band brought up a 12-year-old to help them prefer their 2013 song “Powercore.”

What makes this even more of note is that the usual vocalist wasn’t behind the goblin mask. This tour, Dickie Allen of Infant Annihilator and Scumfuck and John Goblikon are doing vocals, as Nicky Calonne is taking some personal time away from the tour circuit.

This was definitely a night this kid won’t forget, and the fans seemed to be into the wholesome inclusion as well.

Check out the cute footage below from @themohawkmike on Twitter:

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