Enlarge Good guy Hetfield strikes again.

Metallica’s James Hetfield Visited Wounded Ukrainian Soldiers Recovering in Colorado


If you’ve ever taken a look at Metallica‘s M72 World Tour schedule, you may be curious why they have so much time between city stops. It turns out, the guys sometimes take that time to head back home. Such was the case behind James Hetfield‘s recent visit to a hospital in his current hometown of Vail, Colorado, where he ended up meeting Ukrainian soldiers receiving medical treatment.

According to a recent story out of Vail Daily, Hetfield was asked by Kelli Rohrig, co-founder of Limbs For Liberty, to come by and pay a visit to Roman Denysiuk and Igor Volnyl. Both men were at the hospital when Hetfield came around to wish them good tidings.

According to Volnyl, the meeting was brief, but a welcome one to say the least.

“It was unexpected. I didn’t even believe it at the first moment that it was him. It was very short, but it was a very warm meeting. It would be nice to meet him at a campfire and have a drink, instead of the hospital.”

Limbs For Liberty is a non-profit organization that works with physicians and physician specialists to help get Ukrainians who lost limbs during the ongoing war with Russia get prosthetics fitted. No money actually makes it to the organization, as Rohrig and her husband have personally shelled our $30,000 to pay for their own trips out to the war-torn country, along with other associated costs.

After their meeting with Hetfield, Rohrig said the iconic frontman left a sticky note on her car, simply stating “You made my day.”

Say what you will about America’s involvement in the war between Ukraine and Russia, or the ridiculous amount of money going to fund it, but there are real people out there in need of help. It’s great to see something like this, however brief it was, bring light to some Metallica fans from abroad.

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