Sh*t That Comes Out Today – March 3, 2023
Don’t mind me, I’m just thinking about Max Cavalera’s now-deceased mono-dreadlock. Some really great music out today for heavy music lovers of all stripes is out today; read all about it below and browse available physical media via Gimme Metal.
Heimdal (Nuclear Blast)
The long-reigning kings of progressive black metal prove that they’re still on top of the mountain with Heimdal. Progressive wildness and ripping black metal exist in equal parts, reminding us that few bands have as much control over their sound as Enslaved. Talk of duality—soaring beauty and ugly harshness coexisting—is fairly common these days in metal but the viking metal legends’ sixteenth album is that rare one that actually feels deserving of such a description. Heimdal is as much King Crimson and Pink Floyd as it is Trve Norwegian Black Metal—and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Available via Gimme Metal.

Full of Hell & Primitive Man
Suffocating Hallucination (Closed Casket Activities)
If, like me, you have been waiting for Full of Hell to make a slow record, Suffocating Hallucination will begin to scratch the itch. The combination of metal’s noisiest bands is a potent one—Primitive Man are masters of dynamics, moving an impossibly-heavy ball of sound, and Full of Hell play into that with grinding, noisy psychedelia. Suffocating Hallucination concludes with the deeply-unsettling “Tunnels to God,” a 12-minute closer that inspires nothing but dread and grief. Available now.

.gif from god
DIGITAL RED (Prosthetic)
Richmond’s .gif from god go wild with their blend of white-belt grind, screamo, metalcore and touches of electronica. DIGITAL RED is pretty vicious; .gif from god use their time wisely and move from riff to breakdown and back without goofing off and the vocal delivery is nasty. If you long for the days when Hot Topic didn’t suck, this is for you.

Stoned Jesus
Father Light (Season of Mist)
Ukrainian stoner rock cohorts Stoned Jesus release their latest effort after a tumultuous few years that include pandemic-related tour cancelations and war-related delays. Recorded and written before the invasion of Ukraine, Father Light still hits with heaviness, both sonic and emotional. There are a variety of styles at play on Father Light and Stoned Jesus show a considerable amount of growth as musicians.

A New Tomorrow (Flatspot)
Possible album of the year alert. Los Angeles powerviolence outfit Zulu, the former one-man band formed by Anaiah Lei, have reached higher levels on A New Tomorrow, their first proper album. Following two EPs, A New Tomorrow improves on all the heavy shit—stop-start powerviolence, stompy death metal, big breakdowns, upbeat two-step moments and the occasional thrashy riff—and works in hip hop, alt rock, jazz and reggae in ways that feel totally authentic. Lei is an expressive and visceral vocalist, as is drummer Christine Cadette and the album’s list of guest performers. A New Tomorrow is an easy powerviolence and hardcore classic. Available via Gimme Metal.
Other Shit That Comes Out Today:
Fury of Five, Half Past Revenge (Upstate) Listen
Necropanther, Betrayal (Self-release) Listen
Tragedy, I Am Woman (Napalm) Listen