Photos: Jinjer, Malevolence, POD, and Space of Variance at Emo’s on December 17, 2022
It’s been one hell of a year for Ukranian metal band Jinjer, and not always for the best reasons. Though they got to tour with some major acts throughout the year, their personal lives have been turned upside down thanks to the unnecessary violence exacted on their homeland at the hands of Russia’s dictator Vladimir Putin.
Yet despite the situation at home, Jinjer forged on and played a kick ass show down in Austin, Texas. Thankfully, we had Drew Nesbitt, of Njorodynphoto on hand to take some stellar photos of that night’s proceedings.
Whether you were there and want to see the show from a new perspective, or want to live vicariously through Drew’s camera lens, feel free to scroll down and check out some of the amazingly composed images.



Space of Variance