Enlarge Talk about a loaded lineup.

The Lineup for Next Year’s Inferno Metal Festival Norway is Looking Absolutely Stacked


If you’re chillin’ out in the land of black metal and looking for something to do for four days during next April’s Easter weekend, then boy are you in luck, given your extremely specific set of circumstances.

From April 6 to April 9, more than 50 bands are going to descend upon the Rockefeller, located deep in the heart of Oslo. From Emperor to Elder, Djevel to Crowbar, the full list of bands participating in the absolutely massive event is as staggering as it is surprising, with performances spanning multiple locations and stages.

According to organizers, the artists will be scheduled as follows:

Thursday, April 6:

Emperor, Cannibal Corpse, Dark Funeral, Djevel, Mork, Nekromantheon, Nervosa, Mutilated Tyrant, 1914, Stormruler, Ingested

Friday, April 7:

Amorphis, Godflesh, Wolves In The throne Room, Odium, Harakiri for the Sky, Masacre, Lili Refrain, Darvaza, Dordeduh, Hulder, Beaten To Death, Omnia Moritur

Saturday, April 8:

Watain, Nile, Arcturus, Sakis Tolis, Vemod, Gaerea, Svalbard, Dold Vorde Ens Navn, Dwaal, Wayfarer, Nadir, Blodhemn, Tilintetgjort, Welcome To Hell

Sunday, April 9:

Elder, Abbath, Unleashed, Uada, Crowbar, Urgehal, Vredehammer, Fleshmeadow, Afsky, Octohawk, Ottone Pesante, Filthdigger, Ruun

In addition to the bands that will be performing, Inferno Metal Festival Norway will also include a huge tattoo fair, which organizers say has been a major part of the festival for years now. Located in the left wing of the main venue, the tattoo fair will let attendees bring their ideas for new tattoos to life while maintaining a safe and healthy environment. The artists are as follows:

Micky Benavides
Clod the Ripper
Benjamin Moss
Sefi Munoz
Sara Iuso
Carmen Pg
Jannicke Wiese-Hansen
Maria Virros
Madeleine Fleming
Henrik Wiman
Christian Cribbe
Barbora Sharuzen
Mark Weatherhead

Whether you’re there for the music, for a new tat, or a combination of the two, Inferno Metal Festival Norway looks like it’s going to be one hell of a time.

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