Enlarge Can this supergroup consistently put out some good tunes?

Firstborne Release Latest Single “Intercontinental Champions”


I don’t know about you, but a title of “Intercontinental Champions” has a totally different meaning to me as an old-school WWF fan. But the likes of Shawn Michaels Razor Ramon, and Mr. Perfect are unlikely to be the inspiration behind Firstborne’s latest single.

Premiered earlier this week via the Metalcore Nerds Podcast, the latest track from the supergroup featuring Chris Adler, James Lomenzo, Girish Pradhan, and Myrone boasts some great guitar work and a vocal performance that can best be described as “soaring.”

Ex-Lamb of God drummer Chris Adler said the song was very special to him, having prompted a physical response to hearing it for the first time.

“Awh! Our pandemic baby ‘Intercontinental Champions’ has finally been born! Will ya look at those riffs!?!? Kidding aside –  this one gave me goosebumps as it came together. Glad to continue to surprise ourselves and our audience with songs as contagious as this. Hope you love it as much as we do and you’ll hear from us again next month!”

Firstborne has been releasing new music every month for a while now. Reacting to their latest song, Myrone said “Intercontinental Champions” was a killer track with some supposed added bonuses for the listener. Though we’re skeptical.

“This song will activate the powers within. You will lift heavier, run faster, talk smarter, and most importantly: look cooler” 

Again, I doubt any song could make this mug look better, but it’s certainly worth a shot. If you want to hear the band’s latest track, you can do so at any moment by checking them out at any of today’s top streaming services.

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