Enlarge A man of his talents should be listened to at all costs.

To Be a Good Vocalist, Mike Patton Suggests You “Be a Part of the F*cking Band”


Legendary vocalist and frontman Mike Patton is widely considered to be one of the most talented dudes on the planet. His insane vocal range is practically unmatched, his stage presence is manic and extremely energetic, and his musical rap sheet runs the gamut of genres from experimental turntablism to pop to old school thrash metal.

So when the dude explains what he thinks vocalists should do, you shut up and you listen. During a recent interview with Bandcamp’s Andrew Parks, Patton gave some light advice to vocalists looking to make a name for themselves in the music industry – get out of the fucking way.

“I still see it as, ‘I am here to help. I am a component. I think that’s important, but let’s be honest: Singers are fucking idiots. They think they own the fucking show, but they don’t, okay? That’s one thing I’ve learned over the years: All you’ve gotta do is sit back and be a part of the fucking band. That’s what I’ve tried to do with these guys.

I’m not pushing ideas on them, because guess what? They’ve got great ideas, and I don’t want to fuck it up. I’m involved in another project now where it’s kind of the same thing—it’s like, ‘You don’t need me. You need my voice. That’s it.’”

As most Mike Patton fans will know, he’s always had this idea that vocals are just another instrument in the overall mix. To that end, words don’t necessarily matter in many of his projects and his voice is able to bounce around as insanely as it does as a result.

It’s interesting to see how he sees himself within a band, given how absolutely rabid his fans are. You’d think a guy of his stature in the music industry would have an inflated ego, but judging by the rest of his interview, which you absolutely need to read, he seems pretty down to Earth.

Dead Cross’ sophomore album, II, is coming out on October 28 and is available for preorder via Ipecac Recordings. As for live shows, Mike Patton will once again hit the stage after dealing with mental health issues forced him to cancel a Faith No More tour, as well as all scheduled Mr. Bungle shows.

You an check out Mr. Bungle live if you’re in South America this December at the following dates:

12/11 Santiago, CL @ Estadio Monumental – Knotfest Chile
12/15 Buenos Aires, AR @ El Teatro Flores
12/18 Sao Paulo, BR @ Sambodromo Do Anhembi – Knotfest Brasil

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