Enlarge I mean, it's not like we all recently found he tried to lead armed protestors into the Capitol Building or anything!

System of a Down’s John Dolmayan Wants Trump Back In Office: “I Will Vote for Him Again If He Runs”


In the past couple of weeks, the January 6th hearings have brought disturbing information about President Donald Trump to light, specifically that he was hoping to lead rioters into the Capitol Building while fully aware that they were heavily armed. But System of a Down drummer John Dolmayan doesn’t give a shit about that — he’s got a vague, carefully-worded fear about teachers and students, and he wants Trump back in office to hopefully figure it out for him.

Speaking to the Great Pumpkin’s daughter-in-law Lara Trump on her podcast ‘The Right View with Lara Trump,’ Dolmayan offered his usual talking points — that conservatives are the victims in modern society, that people should check out conservative views because many major companies are liberal, the whole nine yards. Then he comes out in support of a second Trump presidency, and goes on to explain that he hopes his band supports him, because of impressionable children or something.

Here’s what he said as transcribed by Blabbermouth:

“I took a lot of flak, I lost a lot of followers, I lost financial opportunities, and primarily because I supported Donald Trump as president. ‘Cause he was my president — I voted for him twice, and I’m not ashamed to say it. I’d vote for him again. I will vote for him again if he runs. I hope he does. I hope he does; you have my support. And the reason why is because I think he’s doing things for the right reasons.”

“I did get advice from a few of my bandmembers and my manager and my wife especially that was, like, ‘Look, maybe it’s not the best idea to put all these views out there.’ And my answer to them was, I supported my singer in everything he’s ever said, although I didn’t always agree with everything he’s ever said, and I just want the same respect back now. I’m not saying that he shouldn’t have a right to his opinions. What I’m saying is there are kids in schools, and they are young; they are impressionable. And there are kids that think the way I think, and they are alone for the most part because the opinion is swayed the other way. Teachers are swayed the other way — your educators, the people around you. You’re indoctrinated from a very young age in this country at this point right now — what we’re dealing with right now, today. And who’s speaking for those kids who are sitting there feeling like they’re wrong but they can’t help the way they think? Who are they looking at and saying, ‘That person agrees with me at least.’ I may not reach all of ’em, but if I reach a few of ’em, then that’s enough for me. And if that means I have to make a little bit less money, then so be it. My family isn’t starving; we’re doing just fine. If that means I’m gonna have less opportunities, so be it.”

Oof. Can you hear how careful the dude is being? He desperately wants to go on some Aaron Lewis-style rant about teachers grooming children as part of some insane pedophile agenda, but he knows that your average SOAD fan ain’t gonna love that. Instead, we get this weird, loaded eggshell walk.

Check out the full interview below:

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