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Mnemic Vocalist Guillame Bideau Dead at 44


Vocalist Guillame Bideau — known for his work with bands including Mnemic, One-Way Mirror, and Scarve, plus guest appearances on various albums — has died. He was 44 years old.

Former Scarve and current Megadeth drummer Dirk Verbeuren broke the news on Instagram in the early hours of Wednesday, May 25th, writing this heartfelt tribute to Bideau.

“Guillaume, it’s with a devastated heart that I write these words. I remember our first meeting in 1999 like it was yesterday. You came to see me at my little apartment in Nancy reaching out with a fake hand, which fell to the ground when I shook it, leaving me perplexed… You were without a doubt expecting a burst of laughter. Your omnipresent humor was contagious. Even when you got angry, you were damn funny. During the recording of Scarve’s second album, you insisted that we all listen to Type O Negative’s October Rust when going to bed, night after night, until Sylvain and I got fed up and decided to hide your CD-R… Only for you to pull out a second identical one the same evening.

“You were a brilliant, non-conformist, stubborn and tenacious artist. Beyond that, you were a true friend. You didn’t hesitate to join me when I was reluctant to go on a long drive through France (we listened to the first Fantômas album on repeat). At my wedding in 2006, your presence and exuberant personality remain among my fondest memories.

“You didn’t care what other people said. You did what you wanted and you lived your own way. I’m gonna miss you terribly, my friend… Rest in peace.”

In addition to his tenure as the vocalist of the bands mentioned above, Bideau contributed guest vocals to songs by Melted Space, Obsydians, and Anata.

Our hearts go out to Bideau’s family, friends and fans during this difficult time.

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