Enlarge Aimee makes electro-pop under the name ARO.

Ozzy’s Daughter Aimee Osbourne Escaped a Recording Studio Fire That Left One Dead


To those who don’t know, Ozzy Osbourne‘s daughter Aimee is an electro-pop artist under the name ARO, who makes music very unlike that of her father (Aimee also famously refused to participate on the family’s reality show The Osbournes). Now, Ozzy’s wife and manager Sharon Osbourne has revealed that Aimee was in a Hollywood recording studio during a terrible fire that left one dead, but managed to escape.

Sharon posted the following message to her Instagram, with a picture of a headline about the fire:

“Today my daughter @aro_officialmusic was working in a recording studio at this building with her producer. They are the lucky two that made it out alive. It is utterly heartbreaking that someone lost their life today in this fire & we are sending our prayers to this person & their family. What happened today was beyond horrific. I really hope moving forward that buildings like this are better regulated for fire safety. This building was a creative hub for music in Hollywood, a space that should have been regulated for fire code. Producers, musicians, mixers & artists also lost all of their equipment. Once again, our prayers go out to the family and friends of the person that lost their life to this senseless fire.”

This is obviously incredibly scary, and we’re happy that Aimee made it out okay. Also, while this might sound silly in the face of such a monumental tragedy, kudos to Sharon for shouting out everything that the musicians and producers lost in the fire. It’s obviously nothing compared to the loss of life that occurred, but when you feed your kids using a set of equipment, losing it all is a huge blow. It can be easy to forget that, so good on Sharon for remembering it.

Everyone at MetalSucks sends their heart out to the victims of this terrible tragedy.

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