Sh*t That Comes Out Today – March 18, 2022
Oh God, we’re so hung over. Did you do anything fun for St. Patrick’s Day? We did, and now we want to fucking die. Anyway, here’re some records…
The Poacher Diaries Redux (Deathwish, Inc.)
Back in ’98, Converge fought a T. Rex, signed the Declaration of Independence, and recorded the Poacher Diaries split with Agoraphobic Nosebleed. Now, the tracks from that infamous record — you know the cover, the hand grabbing the angel’s head, Derek Hess — have been remixed and remastered for your listening pleasure. It’s Converge, and it’s songs you either know or don’t, so you’re either going to like it a lot or, you know, not.

Shewolf (Frontiers Records)
Real talk, we don’t normally go in for this kind of metal. It’s pagan metal, but very fantasy- and power-metal-oriented. But there’s something about this record that we’re really digging! Maybe it’s that it doesn’t try too hard to prove itself beyond what it is — it’s some forest-dwelling, spell-weaving, surprisingly-synthless pagan power metal. We bet Shewolf would be a lot of fun to see live at a huge festival.

Hell Militia
Hollow Void (Season of Mist)
In the words of the genre’s founders, Whoa – black metal. Hell Militia‘s new album is very much that kind of album, brutal and lush in its depiction of metal’s mistiest subgenre. The driving, straightforward approach on Hollow Void is one that fans of Marduk and Black Anvil will definitely dig, but that maybe more cape-oriented cultists might find a little right-hand-path for their taste. None the less, this shit drives a nail into your skull.

Friends of Hell
Friends of Hell (Rise Above)
Is there a specific genre name for old-school speed metal where the vocalist really doesn’t care about rhythm or pattern? It’s a common occurrence, and it’s what Friends of Hell are doing. Their self-titled album is just a lot of thick riffs and songs about Frazetta-style horror subjects. If you like old-school trad metal, man, this stuff will butter your bread left and right. For those of you who prefer heavy chugs or nuanced subject matters, look elsewhere.
Other Shit That Comes Out Today
Agathodaimon, The Seven (Napalm Records) Listen
Black Fucking Cancer, Procreate Inverse (Sentient Ruin Laboratories) Listen
Cypress Hill, Back In Black (MNRK Records) Listen
Dark Funeral, We Are The Apocalypse (Century Media) Listen
Slaegt, Goddess (Century Media) Listen